More Music from The Wedding Present

weddingI’m not sure where we draw the line at nostalgia. For the Wedding Present, their Bizarro tour garnered tons of press, but when they kept going with more new music, never skipping a beat, folks just turned a deaf ear. It’s sad, as they sound bigger and better than ever. I mean, if I were to ever have a complaint, which I don’t, it might be that some of their earliest LPs didn’t have the same quality production their new stuff does. David Gedge has such magnificent control of his voice, as you’ll hear in this song, particularly during the chorus. Put the past behind you, and enjoy the fact that the Wedding Present are as good, if not greater, than they ever were. Their latest LP, Going Going, will be out later this year via HHBTM.

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Consumerism Track of the Day: The Wedding Present – What Have I Said Now

bizarroOkay, so I’m starting off a new feature that will appear from time to time on our pages.  It’s geared around two ideas that were spawned while exhausting myself catching as many bands as possible at SXSW: the idea of running a music web site and owning tons of music.  Sure, not all of you are inundated with tons of music like I am, but in this day and age, everyone has growing catalogues of singles and albums; it’s part of living in a consumerist society.  I wanted to force myself to revisit my own history, musically, by randomly going through my iTunes.  Read on for more details about the process of selection, and see how you can participate. Read more

FTC: The Wedding Present

There’s always been something about listening to The Wedding Present that made my life seem so relevant.  Perhaps it was the way Gedge told his stories, always aligning his first person narratives with my life, or at least seemingly so.  Of course, he also ran those buzzsaw guitars all over the place, furiously creating melodies out of nowhere.  I know I’m not the only fan of this band, as I clearly see their influence on many UK bands coming our way now.  Luckily, Gedge has opted to tour the world playing the band’s classic 1989 album, Bizarro.  You’ll have your chance to catch them next Monday at Emos.  For now, listen to this track, and tell me you don’t hear the group’s influence in every lo-fi guitar heavy track around today!  And, if you are looking for a little bit more pop, check out Gedge’s other outfit Cinerama, which also completely rules.


Download: The Wedding Present – Thanks [MP3]

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