Slow Burner from Blue Movies

Today is my last day of real life work for some time, so I’ve got nothing but time for solid contemplation…that’s precisely where this Blue Movies tune comes into play. While the song stretches near six minutes, you’ve got plenty of time to digest the careful drum work and drifting guitar notes as they fade into the distance. Vocals are fairly solemn, almost whispered; there’s also something really familiar in the way the words are turned, I just can’t place it. You’ll find this track on the band’s new record, Disenchantment, which just dropped.

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Blue Movies Craft Your Daily Soundtrack

Some music is made for dreamers and drifters, and I think that’s precisely where the work of Blue Movies exists. There’s so much space left for you while listening to their latest single that it’s easy for you to find yourself lost in the world…which is perfect for those of us seeking that sort of escape. You’ll also hear these tiny little melodies, stretched beyond their limits, leaving them to resonate in your ears long after the moment has passed. This song appears on the group’s new album, Disenchantment, which will be available to you on May 5th…giving you a soundtrack for many days to come.

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