Not more than a handful of months ago, we were treated to the debut LP by Pop Filter, a group largely made up of the songwriters from the Ocean Party; it was a glorious visit from old friends; they also took some time out to share a Rock n’ Recipes with us. Those old friends were able to get back together and write an entire new album, which they sort of dropped out of nowhere today. They chose not to offer singles, celebrating the release as its own standalone story, and in that, we all get the joy of listening to the whole thing together! Right now, I’m stuck on “Tree Change” as my favorite, but I reckon that’s because I’m in a sad bastard sort of Thursday. Love this group so much. Donkey Gully Road is now available via Bobo Integral.
All those cool kid year end lists are out, but there’s still great music to be had in 2020; the new Weak Automatic EP from Brooklyn’s Fixtures is one such release that’s landed on my radar for this Friday. This short new ditty before Friday’s release should tip the scale in the band’s favor; it employs a nice little riff that rocks right through, on the corner of Jangle Street and Fuzz Road. Still, the band have some playful little harmonies working through their jams that maximize the endearing quality they bring to the musical table. You might even find just a hint of a toe tap in there too. Weak Automatic is out Friday via Bobo Integral.
Not only do I love the colorful artwork, but every sound I’ve heard from the new Boys with the Perpetual Nervousness LP just rings dear and near to my heart. The riffs hang just on the right side between heavy and jangling, ringing with more force where necessary. Each melody seems focused on maximizing the emotional pull with the listener…and I say that as I try to hide the huge grin across my face. If you took the best of the late Teenies work and combined it with the melodic sensibility of the Lucksmiths, you’d pretty much be spot on with that comparison…but lets be real…this duo is definitely coming into their own! Songs from Another Life drops on February 5th via Bobo Integral.
Brooklyn’s Fixtures are not content to just offer us simple little pop nuggets, at least not if we aim to digest their great new single off the forthcoming Weak Automatic EP. For me, it’s this swirling mixture of all sorts of influences worn right out there on their sleeves. At times, the vocals give the song that hip nod of cool popularized by Lou Reed. But, there’s also this propulsive nature that courses through the tune, somewhere in between krautrock and Broken Social Scene; it feels like the kind of tune that could built to a mass explosion of sweat and euphoria in the live setting. This tune should catch a lot of ears, and if those ears belong to you, be sure to check in on Weak Automatic, released via Bobo Integral on December 4th.
Please label this under things I desperately needed but had no idea were coming…a brand new LP from the Boys with the Perpetual Nervousness. The band, a duo split between Spain and Scotland, charmingly won me over with their debut, Dead Calm. It was a this perfect amalgam of all realms of pop, past and present; it seems like they’re not straying too far from that with their latest release, as you can hear in the single below. It’s got huge harmonies shared between the two singers, giant sweeping pop chords that ring out brightly in the mix and just enough of a beat to keep things rocking along. They’ll release Songs from Another Life in February of next year via Bobo Integral.
So, earlier in the year, EZRAT, the new project of Ezra Tenenbaum released Carousel; I’ll admit that I quietly let it slip by, despite being a big EZTV fan. So, I’m trying to make up for it by encouraging you all to listen to this great new single the band released this week. It’s a track filled with the steady charms that feel like the breeze is blowing through your hair, maxing out on the harmonies in the vocals as they pop like sugary bubbles floating in the sky. This new band is really something great to witness, so if you haven’t already purchased Carousel, go reach out to Bobo Integral…or, like me, hang about while we wait for the next batch of tunes!
Next week Milky Wimpshake will release their first record in five years, and its shaping up to be quite a thrill, at least for those on my end of the spectrum…whatever that means. They’ve just released two new singles from Confessions of an English Marxist, so I wanted to make sure those were out in the world. On “Welcome to Fascist Britain” you get a little bit more of that ramshackle indiepop sound; its more boisterous, comes at you with more force, but as always, they don’t shy away from great hooks like the chorus! Then you “I Don’t Wanna Go There,: which definitely seems like a great way to close the record; it offers this lighter attitude, blending in some softened backing vocals…this is the most charming track I’ve heard today. The album comes out next Friday courtesy of Bobo Integral.
Some labels are always going to find you the good stuff, and I don’t ever mind turning to Bobo Integral for that good good. The latest signing from the label is Brooklyn based Fixtures, who dropped this rad new track last Friday as we were singing off for the weekend. Immediately the song rushes in with this bounding pace and hook-laden rhythm section; the vocals carry this post-punk swaggering croon. They throw in a nice little ramshackle jam in the midst of the tune, bringing in this little stylistic flare that gives a nice little mixture of sounds to the track. You’re going to want to keep an eye on this band; their new Weak Automatic EP drops on December 3rd!
We’ve already brought you a tune or two from the forthcoming Milky Wimpshake LP, their first since 2015, but I couldn’t miss out on a chance to give you a heads up that Rachel from Flowers is also featured on a few occasions. If you’re grabbing the record, as you should, you’ll find the opener, featured below, has her voice paired perfectly with the band; the song’s full of swaggering pop rock…the infectious sort of course. I love how they mute the rock in the opening verses to let the vocal harmonies shine together, before pushing down on the pedals and letting loose. The chugga-chugga riffs of the chorus are perfect slices of rock n’ roll…I just want to play this song all the damn day long! Bobo Integral will release Confessions of an English Marxist on October 16th.
The story of Pop Filter as a band is quite long, although Banksia is their debut LP. But, that story is easy to find for those who wish, so instead, I wanted this post to reflect how the a group of friends was able to cope with tragedy by writing an album full of wonderful pop songs. We dive in a little bit to the process that went into this record, plus, Mark is so kind as to share his recipe for Chicken Fricassee with Porcini Mushrooms; you can really impress your friends with “something you just threw together.”
ATH: The band is essentially a gang of songwriters/friends working together. How does the editing process work for you all? Does is change from songwriter to songwriter, or is there a routine approachyou all use when it comes to completing a track?
Mark: It genuinely changes song to song and album to album. Sometimes things arrive pretty much done, with a lot of parts already written. Sometimes things are jammed into place. Sometimes things sort of accumulate as we record them. With Banksia, because it was all done so quickly, we basically started recording things before wed even heard the vibe of the song. Then figured it out piece by piece, adding things and trusting that Snowy would be able to mix it into a nice shape. Theres a lot on the album that is first or second take. Most of my guitar parts Im just improvising to the song. It was very loose.
ATH: There’s a huge backstory/history to Pop Filter, but does Banksia represent something new, aside from the name? Does it feel like you have to start all over? And to a certain extent, is it a relief to have it under your belt, so to speak?
Mark: It definitely doesnt feel like starting over exactly. It feels more free, in a way. Because were releasing ourselves from the expectations of what being a band means. Were going to be less interested in concrete things like whos in the band, whats the album title, whos putting it out, whats the artistic statement – and more interested in the simple act of getting together and playing music. For me, its a kind of relief to lose some of those more careerist aspects of being in a band and focus on the real reason we play together in the first place, which is because were friends. In a world where the worth of everything is determined by the clicks it garners and the money it makes, it feels like an act of rebellion to focus on togetherness and friendship as the most important thing about an artistic project – rather than focusing on making a product. I think i speak for everyone when I say that I would make these albums with these people even if no one ever heard it and we never showed any of it to anyone. That would be just as valuable to me.
ATH: Is there a story behind covering “Romance at the Petrol Station?” Any particular connection that brought that song into the album process?
Mark: Everyone in the band has always loved that song and that first Stolen Violin record was Zacs favourite album. Lach had wanted to cover it for ages so it felt like the right time to do it.
ATH: Most of this record has been promoted throughout a global pandemic. How does that affect the way you, as a band, go about promoting the album? Plans for any live streamsor that sort now that it’s out in the world?
Mark: We havent really talked about it I guess. Obviously wed be touring if we could. Most of the band is under a serious shelter in place lockdown in Melbourne while Im free and relatively easy in a totally different state so I can at least go to the pub to celebrate the release. No plans for anything yet.
ATH: I admit this is a tough one to answer, but who brought the best songs this go round?
Mark: A lot of the songs were written in the four days we were recording so not many of us were very prepared! I like them all really. They all hit different feelings and vibes for me. I love Curtiss song Visions of You, and Nicks Kit Home, Jords songs didnt have lyrics at first so I loved hearing all the mixes back months later and discovering the songs anew. Jord pushes his voice to these amazing places on his tracks which I think is super thrilling. Dunno, mate. Theyre all good. You tell me!
ATH: Is there a story to your recipe, or any personal significance, other than you just enjoy cooking it?
Mark: I cook this all the time. Its my oh, this, I just threw something together show off dish. It has bugger all ingredients but is stupidly rich and delicious. Its a Marcella Hazan recipe and its like alchemy. I serve it with a crisp lettuce salad with heaps of Olive Oil, Mustard and Lemon. And crusty bread.
Chicken and Porcini Fricassee
A whole chicken – broken down in four pieces. (Keep backbone for stock)
40g Dried Porcinia Mushrooms.
100ml ish of dry white wine. I try to use resiling because I also like to drink that.
A can of Cherry tomatoes.
That’s literally all the ingredients. This recipe rules.
– Soak the Porcini Mushrooms in about 400ml of boiling water for about 20 minutes. Keep them hanging out in that awesome umami mushroom water! Dont throw it away.
– After youve broken down your chicken pat the skin dry and salt and pepper it liberally.
– Get a decent sized pan (I have a biggish stainless steel one) nice and hot and add a big glug of olive oil.
– Place the chicken pieces skin side down in the pan and reduce heat a bit to medium-low. Leave them on that side for like 15 minutes until theyre really brown and crisp. Then flip em and give them another 5 mins.
– Chuck the wine in and let it bubble for a bit until it doesnt smell quite so boozey. About 3 mins.
– Pour in the mushrooms and the amazing juice theyve been soaking in, along with the can of cherry tomatoes, and bring to a boil.
– Turn heat down to low and half cover the pan. Cook for about half an hour. Turning the chicken every so often.
– When the chicken is definitely cooked through but not horrid and dry take it out and set aside for a bit.
– Then you want to reduce the sauce down so its barely watery at all, its just super charged mushroomy, tomatoey slightly wet mush. It will look brown and gross, do not worry. It is meant to look like that.
– When the sauce is thick and mega rich (prob 7ish mins), salt it to your liking and return the chicken to warm through.
– Serve it in a bowl with salad and bread. You can squeeze a lemon over it if this is your thing. You can also garnish with parsley if thats the vibe.
– Impress your friends with something you just threw together