Pop Filter Share Not Listening to the Same Thing

This Friday we’ll all be able to take on the joy of the debut LP from Pop Filter, but before we get there, the band dropped one more tune to tease the release. In my mind, this is exactly what I expected when I first heard about this band forming; a steadying blend of the best in casual pop listening. It’s charming in its unassuming nature, careful to never step too far into world, yet happily bubbling along with these delightful melodies. The group joining in unison just after the 2 minute mark is just one such treat…a little pop nugget you can put in your pocket on your way out the door. Banksia is out Friday!

Pop Filter Share It Never Hurts Single

One of the album’s that’s high upon my personal radar is the debut from Australia’s Pop Filter, a band that features various players in the scene we’ve grown to love. One of the perks of this band is that they’ve always worked as this collection of great songwriters, with Mark Rogers taking the main role here to revisit a song he begun back in 2014. I love the inviting aura of the song, lightly strummed guitar with Rogers’ sublime melody rising on the crest as a distant guitar cries somewhere out in space. But, just as you hit the 3 minute mark, you get a treat, as the whole band joins in stomping their way to a catchy closing with a reminder that “its better than giving in.” Pop Filter will release Banskia on August 21st via Osborne Again/Bobo Integral.

Milky Wimpshake Return with Confessions of an English Marxist

Oh Milky Wimpshake, how I missed thee! The long running act has been mostly quiet since 2015, but they return (real soon) with a new LP titled Confessions of an English Marxist! Our first listen has the group hanging in the territory where they last left us, bringing about jangling pseudo-punk in a nice bubblegum wrapper. My favorite part are those soft edges hanging about aside the sharp chords; you can hear just the faintest twinkle of a melody, and its every so charming. This new LP is being handled by Bobo Integral, who always release fine pop bits; it drops on October 16th.

Spain Indie Labels Start Music for Gloves

Two things I love, Spanish indie labels, and a really great cause. Over in Spain, a bunch of the independent labels (like Bobo Integral and Meritorio) got together and gathered some rare and new tunes, put them all together, and are now releasing it under the title Music For Gloves. Each label has offered up some rarities in an attempt to raise funds to buy gloves for the hospitals on the frontline of this pandemic. I know we’ve got friends all over the world, so if this is of interest, this a great place to listen to new music and help raise funds. Here’s a new demo from my favorites, El Palacio de Linares.

Elrichman Shares I Mostly Consume

When I found out that Paul Erlichman was the man behind the songs of Elrichman, I had expectations, as he’s one of the members of the most excellent Ducks Unlimited. “Cop on a Horse,” the first single, was beautiful, but a little more akin to folky indierock. That said, this new single is precisely what I was expecting, or rather hoping, to hear from Elrichman. It’s energetic, and reeks of Edwyn Collins/Paddy McAloon vocal references. I do like how Paul ties into the earlier single with this orchestral closing moment (its also in the song’s middle), which is important when one considers the album as a singular entity. A fun ditty, most assuredly. Heaven’s Mayor is out April 24th via Bobo Integral.

Elrichman Announces Heaven’s Mayor

Admittedly, I probably wouldn’t have stumbled upon Elrichman had he not been a core member of Ducks Unlimited (who put out one of my favorite EPs). But, those familiar with that band will be careful to rush to the expectation of jangles, as the vibe here’s entirely different. The song begins rather artfully, almost as if there were notes taken from the likes of Dirty Projectors. But, there’s this huge swell of emotive pop that comes crashing down during the chorus that really changes the song’s infectiousness. Those courses get followed by these minor little pop excursions that sound super familiar (does it sound like the Zombies to anyone else?), so be sure to listen to the track as it twist and turns the pop knife into your ears. Heaven’s Mayor will be out on April 24th via Bobo Integral.

Dropkick Share Another Single Off the Scenic Route

Let me just say this…if you’re writing guitar pop music at this very instant, please make it sound like Dropkick. The Scottish outfit have been around for a bit, but the forthcoming album, The Scenic Route, just seems to get better with each single used for promotion. Listening below, you’ll hear that ringing semi-jangle, encouraging a slight toe tap and head bob; it’s subtle, as are the band’s many charms. Sure, the vocals could be described as warm or gentle, but I think of them more as pleasant…something I’d sit and listen to with my mom on her back porch. It’s short, it’s catchy and makes you feel good about the world (for once), so be sure to pick it up from Bobo Integral; it drops on February 7th.

Dropkick Share Catching On

With the vinyl release of the Lucksmiths Naturaliste last month, it had me wondering, who is best suited to fill that void in my life? Seems like Dropkick are the perfect band to fill that void, especially with what we’ve heard from the forthcoming The Scenic Route. This new single is filled with understated jangle, just playfully crafting a warm melody that perfectly aligns with the delivery of the vocal lines. I love the vocal in the chorus; it feels like its sweeping down from above to carry you away in this blanket of blissful harmony. The new LP will be out on February 7th via Bobo Integral.

Dropkick Announce The Scenic Route

I hope that the name Dropkick isn’t entirely new to you, particularly if you’ve been hanging out on these pages here. If it is, then that’s fine, as you’ve now got a chance to check in on the band before they release their new LP, The Scenic Route. I suggest falling in love here, then checking out Longwave (2018). This track has that big ringing sound that made fellow Scots Teenage Fanclub a huge hit, though I’ve always felt like there was more of a gentle underbelly to the Dropkick songs; they almost feel like they’re firepit jams amped up for our pleasure…more Lucksmiths than Teenies. They’ve signed on to work with Bobo Integral next year and release the new LP on February 7th.

The Year in Indiepop…According to Nathan

As we’re all looking back on the year 2019, I tend to gravitate towards lists with little agenda, other than to shine a light back on the year in the areas I adore. For one, the indiepop scene. Now, there’s always a great big debate about what indie pop is, so for all intents and purposes, I admit that I just don’t care, so the genre’s purists can yell at me later. Now, this may read as a best of, but merely this is the stuff that stuck out in my brain, so if I missed something, I love you and I’m sorry. Honestly, it just gave me a chance to make a fun playlist (2+ hours!) full of hits for all you pop fans.



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