Best of Spain 2019…According to Gonzalo Marcos

In trying to branch out with our list coverage this year, I reached out to Gonzalo Marcos; he runs Bobo Integral out of Madrid, Spain. The label released some really great music this year from the likes of Lachlan Denton, Blue Jeans and the P4K approved, Ducks Unlimited. He also plays in the incredible El Palacio de Linares, who released Largos Agotadores this year as well. So, I asked him if he could do a top list of what’s coming out of Spain, and he responded with the following list.



Be sure to check out his label HERE, and his band HERE.

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Ducks Unlimited Share Anhedonia

In case you fancy yourself a fan of jangling pop rock or the casual guitar pop of the Oceanic region, you’re going to want to put your ear real close to the speaker here. This fresh single from Ducks Unlimited only cements the band as one of the best new voices in the indiepop/guitar pop scene. It’s borderline jangle, with the guitars sort of intertwining with a certain sharpness that reveals brightened notes and melody. The vocals have this indifferent cool, which also sort of reveals itself in the “fuck off” lines in the first minute or so. If this is the first release, its one hell of a knockout punch. The Get Bleak EP drops on the 29th of November courtesy of our faves, Bobo Integral.

Emma Russack and Lachlan Denton Share Catch

Every new single that comes from Emma Russack & Lachlan Denton just raises the anticipation for their new LP, Take the Reigns. At this point, Lach’s voice should be super familiar to fans of our site, or even folks who’ve been following along the last few years. He’s got one of the most gentle voices in Australia, and one that has this immediate warmth and intimacy. That talent alone would make his tunes sparkle in the pop ears, but Emma is the perfect foil; she enters the scene in just the right places, rounding out sentiment with a bit of harmonizing. I particularly love the last 20 seconds or so where she takes off on her own; it’s a touching moment, and another gem. The LP will be out on October 18th via Bobo Integral and Osborne Again.

Emma Russack and Lachlan Denton Share New Single

Two of my favorite voices from Australia, Emma Russack and Lachlan Denton, are teaming up again to release their 3rd album working together; they’ve both released wonderful solo records this year as well. In this video, the duo seem to be having a dinner party, built around the making of pasta with a bunch of pals. Emma takes the reins on the vocal duties for this number, with slight backing vocals provided during the chorus. The subject matter here involves self-love, and the inevitable drive to get out of bed and seek it out. Their new album is titled Take the Reigns, and it will be released by Osborne Again/Bobo Integral on October 18th.

Lachlan Denton Shares New Tune

Lachlan Denton and his brother Zac were part of my favorite Aussie outfit, The Ocean Party, with each working on their own side-projects along the way. But, as many of you know, Zac passed away suddenly last year, leaving a lasting impression on all of us. Now, with a new tune from Lachlan Denton & Studio Magic, we hear Lachlan coming to grips with the impression Zac left on his own life. It’s creates a strange contradiction whilst listening: the song is beautiful and yet the lyrical content is heartbreaking…still, you’re captivated by both aspects, perhaps the lasting mark that will remain with listeners as they absorb A Brother, the new LP out next week via Bobo Integral/Osborne Again.

Stream III from Butcher the Bar

Joel Nicholson’s been working as Butcher the Bar for some time, and in that period, he’s gone from solo to full band and probably back again…but for III, we get the full band pop bombast that’s always lived within the confines of Nicholson’s songwriting. There are straight upbeat pop numbers, and some more pensive tunes here, so just stream it below. You can grab the LP directly from Bobo Integral, and if you’re so inclined, you can read my thoughts about each song below.

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Lachlan Denton Shares This Christmas

When Lachlan Denton lost his brother Zac (of Ocean Party fame) unexpectedly last year, he was overtaken by emotion; he did what he and his brother had been doing for a long long time…he penned some tunes to try and write his emotions out into the world. The first tune we’ve heard from the LP is “This Christmas,” which has me pretty damn near close to tears. In the lyrics you’ve got a brother promising to keep his brother’s memory alive, though that promise comes with the knowledge that those memories will also bring sadness. Musically, there’s this wonderfully gleaming guitar line; it twinkles and sparkles in the front of the mix, much like Zac when he was fronting OP. A Brother will be out on July 19th via Osborne Again/Spunk/Bobo Integral.

Fresh Pop from Blue Jeans

Love waking up and finding catchy ditties sitting in the old inbox, especially when it’s a group that’s already been on my radar for sometime, like Blue Jeans. The Michigan outfit are sort of scatterbrained, but always knocking about in the realms of indiepop…as they are with this new single. It’s got a nostalgic pop lean to it, though it’s woven through a light jangle and playful male/female vocal trade. It’s simplicity gives it this timelessness that listeners will keep coming back to, if they need a fill up on saccharine sweetness. Look for the groups new LP, Adult Hits to drop on Mary 17th via Bobo Integral.

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