Last Week’s Jams (10.21 – 10.25)

It seems like the year is grinding to a slow halt, as there are fewer and fewer trickles of new tracks coming our way, though I’ll admittedly hope that that’s the end of the year preparations not the musical end of times. Still, I fell in love with a lot of great songs, like a new single from the last Mope Grooves LP, which just came out on 12XU. Also, 12XU adjacent is a new single from Austin’s Quin Galavis, which I was digging too. There was a brand new single from The Gentle Spring, which hopefully got you Field Mice fans excited. Plus, RayRay has been busting his ass on getting coverage out for Levitation this week, with new posts up on Pissed Jeans and Acid Mothers Temple.

Buddie Drop Impatient

Maybe you’re already hip to Buddie, but if not, let us assure you that the Vancouver squad are going to be one of your favorite things to slide into today. They’re offering up the modern blend of grunge and noise rock, though my favorite thing is that they never shy away from dropping in a huge hook. The vocals perfectly build up, trudging through the murkiness of heavy riffs and shoe-gaze-y shoot-offs, climbing this tonal mountain then dropping back into to meet the listener with a warm blast of melodic notes. This jam comes our way courtesy of Crafted Sounds.

Last Week’s Jams (3.27 – 3.31)

For some reason I felt like we were nursing a SXSW hangover, just a week later than normal. But, in all that, still found tons of great tunes to write about and share. Good to see personal faves like Lachlan Denton and Greg Mendez popping up (with that Greg tune getting tons of love), plus some videos from the likes of Low Praise and 7ebra gave us a chance to revisit some singles we’d been keeping an eye on. Also, some local love for Troller and Houston’s Alien Eyelid, so trying to keep it Texas ya’ll. Stream on!

Buddie Share We’ll Never Break

At the end of April Buddie will release their fabulous new record, Agitator. Today, they’ve got this fresh single to offer up, and might I say, this one’s a definite win for you. It starts off with this lightly twinkling guitar, something you might find on a Why Bonnie track; the drums are light in just the right spots, with backing vocals hanging in the distance carefully. When the chorus drops, the volume ramps up and the song just swells with this crashing wave of great guitar crunch. When the track jumps into its latter half, it’s this fiery burn of cool that burrows into your head, so you’ll definitely want to make sure the volume on your headphones is all the way up. Agitator is out on April 21st via Crafted Sounds.

Buddie Share Final Single, Vines

Buddie will be releasing their new Diving LP here in a few weeks, but seems only fair they tease us with one more tasty musical treat before the album drops. Starting it off, they tease a slow burner, then offer a slight twist that speeds up the pace just a bit; I thought it was a cool touch illustrating the band’s attention to detail. The dual female/male vocal delivery on this number really captures your ear; it’s the hook that draws you into the tune, naturally. There are several moments when I expected the band to sort of just unleash and bring crashing pop noise down on me, but they push it back, postponing that release until the very last moment; I can imagine how exhilarating that would be in the live set! If you’re into the tune, Diving is out August 4th via Crafted Sounds.

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