Slow Jam from Mandrax Icon

I figured we should start the week off a little bit slow, as no one really needs to jump right into things on a Monday.  I’m bringing you this great slow burner from Mandrax Icon, who just released his latest album on cassette via our friends overseas at Cakes and Tapes (also on vinyl via Nostril Records). I just love the vocals of singer Marcio, who apparently did all the work on the entire album, Mary Climbed the Ladder for the Sun.  It’s definitely an album with a folk leaning, with hidden gems of touching melody scattered about.  I really hope you’ll like this as much as I do.


Download:Mandrax Icon – Dead Joy [MP3]

Beautifully Drenched Pop from Meridians

It took me a minute, or a few seconds rather, to get what Meridians were going for, with the song slowly inching away in ambient noise before Julie’s voice enters into the picture.  Seconds later and surely you’re sinking into the details of the song.  Her voice begins quietly, and the guitar seeps into the track.  It’s not long before her partner Trevor joins her, ever so slightly, leaving a slight contrasting echo in the far off distance. This track is featured on the group’s self-titled album, which just got a tape release from the beautiful people over at Cakes and Tapes.  You can click HERE for a video of the track.


Download:Meridians – Sunrise [MP3]

Haunting Track from Horrible Present

You’ve always got to support the bands everyone misses, especially when they make such incredible tracks as this one from Horrible Present.  This track is from the excessively titled 54, I love you but its time to get off record the band has just released on Cakes and Tapes, and regardless of the extensive album title you’re going to fall in love with this track.  The darkly tinged vocals give a bit of that haunting feeling to the track, but the minimal production slowly evolving in the background quietly sinks into your music listening soul.  If you’re looking for bedroom pop that sticks, then fall for this song!


Download:Horrible Present – Cloudy Talks [MP3]

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