New Ducks Ltd Single

I didn’t set out to include two lyric video pieces in my day, but when the gods ask for it, so it must be. All this to say, we’ve got our second lyric video today, this time around it comes from Ducks Ltd, who honestly sound like they’ve returned to their most infectious moments from their earliest days. The speed of the drum work on this tune is furious, with the jangling guitar lines struggling to keep pace. While that rush of speed hits you, the vocals hang just behind the beat, sort of billowing behind in the trails of the musical element. It’s a fun spritely pop jam, and I’m all here for it. Courtesy of Carpark.

Cloud Nothings Change Things Up

cloudSure, a few days ago the new Cloud Nothings single leaked out, and everyone was talking about the powerful bombast that accompanied Attack on Memory.  Me? I think the most important conversation is to see the development of Dylan Baldi, and I don’t mean as a songrwiter; he’s had that locked down for years.  His voice on the single isn’t straining; it’s not raspy like much of the songs he presented us with last time. Now, don’t get me wrong; I like that style too.  But, I’m concerned about longevity of his voice, and his band.  I think their next album, Here and Nowhere Else, will definitely be a change, but as long as the songwriting continues, I don’t think they’ll miss a beat.

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