Sundozer Shares Debut Single

We’ve always gotta keep our ears to the speakers in terms of Austin acts, as it seems there’s constantly something we can dive into, like Sundozer. Honestly, I don’t know a bunch about the project, other than its relatively knew, considering this is their debut single. This track has a bit of that late night chill to it, albeit washed over with hints of dream pop and jangling notes; you can hear the guitars dancing all around as the wash of synths coats the song’s core. Whispering vocals crest and fall into the track, sinking into the mix while the rhythm hits giving off just a bit of a kick to the tune. It’s a bit of everything, be it bedroom pop or indie pop, perfect for late night chills or daydreaming at your window.

Slow Burner From Total Makeover

10349211_958184057527771_3071572823602145174_nNoah Stitelman made music under the moniker Neighbors for quite a while, but has since retired the group for greener pastures in Brooklyn.  From the ashes of his old group comes his new project known as Total Makeover.  Below you can find the debut single called “New England Highway” which is a slow burner type of pop music featuring a chill vibe.  Eventually the chillness builds into a nice and noisy ending sure to get your pulse going.

Total Makeover will drop their debut EP on August 21st.

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