Another New Club 8 Tune

Swedish group Club 8 are forever shapeshifting, though always revolving somewhere in the realm of great pop music. Their latest single is no different, featuring this heavy groove in background while the vocals sort of ride the natural wave of the song’s melody. There’s a slight lift in the vocals during the chorus, soaring just a note or two higher, empowered by the increased tempo of the beat. It’s a short number, and maybe I would have liked another thirty seconds or another chorus, but if you listen below you’ll see what’s before you is more than enough to capture your attention.

Club 8 Return with New Music

It’s been just over a year since Club 8 released Golden Islands for Labrador, but amidst the release, they begin to work on a batch of songs they hoped would end up as a double album of sorts. We now get a first listen, and while it definitely plays into the hands of the band’s pop history, this furthers the band’s experimentation with its usage of space and lush arrangements. The vocals are so careful, you sort of get that sensation of weightlessness, feeling your body sort of release and float off into clouds…at least that’s what I hope it feels like…unless you’re Marge Dursley. For now, we wait for future news, but in this glorious fashion, lets just get ourselves lost.

Pulsing Electro Pop from Club 8

For some reason, and perhaps this is all on me, but I always thought of Club 8 as a purely indiepop hit machine. Sure, they stretched the form a bit, but from what we’ve heard off their 10th album, it looks like they’re really emphasizing the club punch on this go round. This jam has this throbbing pulse, kicked up by these electronic punches. Interestingly, the notes coincide with the breathy vocal delivery, matching note for note. It’s the sort of tune where you expect to sort of lose yourself within the confines of a fog filled club, lost in the beat of song; the chorus is pretty special too. Fire will be released January 26th via Labrador.

Club 8 Share Single from Golden Island

While we’ve covered Club 8 quite a bit during our tenure, I feel like we’ve really taken the Swedish outfit for granted; they’ve recently announced Golden Island, which will be their 10th LP. Perhaps even more impressive than their long career is this new tune; it’s a very purposeful piece of pop music. The first 40 seconds or so are pretty sparse, dominated by what can only be described as a deep pulse. In the vocals, you almost have them used as an instrument, despite their polished beauty…especially when the sampled vocal enters the picture. It’s hard not to appreciate a band that continues to involve, and in such an emphatic fashion; look for the new LP on January 26th via Labrador Records.

New Club 8 Hit

Not only are we Labrador Records fans, but we’re also huge fans of Club 8. They just dropped this darkened electronic gem to announce their brand new album Golden Island. For the most part, this number takes on more of an atmospheric vibe than the band has presented before, with the vocals coming across almost as carefully exerted breaths in the front of the mix. The song’s construction and minimalism illustrate that the group can work on varying levels, not just hitting you over the head infectious pop; this is pop music for those that think. Look for the new record in early 2018!

One More From Club 8

club8I figure since we’ve already shared two new Club 8 singles with you over the last couple of months, we should probably go on and share their 3rd single as well.  This one is called “Late Nights” and once again features some super catchy, synth laden house hits sure to entice everyone into a dance frenzy.  Since this is likely their last single prior to the upcoming album release, fans should enjoy this one for the next couple of weeks.

Pleasure is due out November 20th on Labrador Records.

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Catchy Club 8 Hit

club8It seems to me that Club 8 have their sites set on one direction, crafting danceable indiepop that’s going to hit hard in the clubs (are there still clubs?). The group have dwelled in similar territory, but this latest single seems to really go straight for the dancing jugular, pulsating rhythm and all. Still, the softness of the vocals makes it difficult for anyone to pull themselves away from what’s going on, even if you’re slow grooving with some random stranger. They’ve got a new album, Pleasure, slated for release on November 20th via Labrador, and I’m definitely intrigued, if not rather interested to see where these danceable singles fall in line with the rest of the record.

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Sorry I Missed It: New Club 8 Single

club8In a busy week, I somehow overlooked this new Club 8 track, which is a shame, as it’s likely some of the best work the Swedish act have put together. Karolina Komstedt’s voice soars beautifully from the opening minute, while the rest of the track is fairly minimal. It’s no surprise that the band is able to accomplish such great heights despite not beating people over the head with driving beats and jangling guitars. Like the song’s title, the song always seems like its heading for a quick end, or a dying moment…ultimately, the listener is rewarded here. Their new album, Pleasure, comes to you on November 20th via Labrador.

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More New Music From Sweet Serenades

Only a few months ago, I posted a new song by Swedish outfit Sweet Serenades after having not heard from them in quite a long time.  I was excited about that song, but this new jam “After All the Violence” is  easily my favorite song the band has ever put out.  It features some tasty dual vocal duties from Karolina Komstedt of indie pop band Club 8.  This song appears on a new album by the band, Help Me!, which is currently out on Leon Records and can by purchased digitally via iTunes.


Download: Sweet Serenades – After All The Violence [MP3]

New Music from Club 8

If you weren’t on your game, you might have missed the eclectic pop release from Club 8 titled The People’s Record. It was filled with a glimpse at a band who add various instruments to their recordings, those not typically geared towards your typical bedroom pop group.  Now that you know a bit about the band, take a listen to their new single, which comes out at the end of November on Labrador.  You have to admire the way these two are incorporating tribal and tropicalia rhythms into such a smooth blend of jubilation.


Download: Club 8 – Closer Now [MP3]

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