Meet the SXSW Band: villagerr

Did you know SXSW was happening next week? Just joshing. Who says joshing anymore? Well we are trying to hit you with as much content and previews as possible so maybe you will feel a bit more prepared and focused going into next week. Today I am pleased to continue our interview series with Columbus based outfit villagerr who appear to be festival first timers. Welcome them to town, read their interview, check some dates, and all that after the jump.

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Straight Rocker From Minnows

Hey it’s Friday so why don’t we celebrate some rock n roll music before we head into the weekend. My straight up rocker today comes by way of the Columbus, OH based outfit Minnows and their brand new single “Make Us Soldiers.” It has a sort of post-punk energy melded with some classic rock touches and even slight hints of later stage emo. Hit it.

This track will be part of an upcoming debut LP entitled Foreign Moon due out sometime this fall.

New Single From Glenn Davis

GRR044_cover_small_webSome of you may recognize the name Glenn Davis as one of the founders of Columbus based indie rock band Way Yes. Well Glenn is stepping out on his own for the very first time and is sharing this new single “Be Honest” as a preview of his new material. While the sound is a bright, almost RnB style of pop, the subject matter is clearly a little bit on the heavy side. To me, the blending of the bright with the bleak creates something truly special.

Glenn Davis will release his debut LP entitled Waves & Webs on July 22nd via Gold Robot Records.

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Fun New Track From Saintseneca

Saintseneca By Nick Fancher 1 2015I know so very little about Columbus based Saintseneca, though I’m looking to remedy that as much as I can today.  Let’s start by sharing this new track from the band entitled “River” to get things started the right way.  Rock n roll is the name of the game here, with some hints of pop and a pretty slick drumline keeping things driving and interesting throughout.  This is an easy one to to enjoy so hopefully we hear more from these guys  in the future.

New album Such Things will be out October 9th.  Pre-order here.

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Crunchy Guitar from Van Dale

vandeeOur friends at Fleeting Youth Records are on a pretty good roll here in 2015; they’re cornering the market on crunchy guitar pop (sometimes of the nerdier sort).  Today I bring you another tune from the soon to be released self-titled Van Dale album; this one features more of the distorted guitar we heard on their earlier single, but there’s a cocksure swagger that inevitably builds into a delicious hook you want wrapped around your ears. You want something you an turn up loud and play air guitar to? Then grab the record on March 31st!


Download: Van Dale – Speak Yellow [MP3]

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