Pop Filter Share Life Downstream

After releasing last year’s Cono, I’ll be honest and admit that I didn’t expect to hear back from Pop Filter so soon. Every member of the group has various projects constantly in the works, so it’s great to see them back with a brand new single so soon. This go round, the band are locked into a steady groove that plays off light jangling guitar licks and a wobbling bit of keys that hang in the background. You’ll find the group playing with a bit more bite too, and you can hear the first glimpse when there’s a punching six seconds of guitar around the 1 minute mark; it sets you up for a full on rock n’ roll freakout that closes the track out. This track comes to you courtesy of Bobo Integral/Osborne Again.

Two Great Aussie LPs to Stream: The Brights + Pop Filter

Two great Australian acts release brand new records today, and oddly, both are being released by great Spanish record labels; but, they both come from different parts of the country, so there’s that?

Sydney’s The Brights have released Oyster Rock! today via Meritorio Records. It’s a collection of pop songs with little bits of Western twang lingering in the songwriting. You’ll find a few upbeat numbers, with most tracks working on a pensive point that allows the melodies to sit quietly with you for hours afterwards.

Pop Filter, up in Melbourne, are like the indie rock hydra; you cut off the head of one songwriter, and there’s another equally gifted craftsman’s head popping up. With so many songwriters, Cono feels refreshing at every turner, tossing out subdued little pop nuggets and bouncy bops of badassery. LP courtesy of Bobo Integral.

Pop Filter Share Undertow

A little over ten days to go before Pop Filter drop their brand new track, and they want to drag you right into the experience of CONO by hitting you with “Undertow.” It’s immediately going to grab you, opening with a racing rhythm section, using snappy drum work and a bassline that seduces you instantly. It doesn’t stop there, as the band race through the tune, dropping discordant noise in throughout as they seem intent on rushing you through the song as fast as they can. Little bit of saxophone helps the song fade out and still throw its weight behind the pop sensibility! CONO is out on December 1st, but it’s already SOLD OUT, so hopefully there’s a repress!

Pop Filter Share Fighting Spirit

One of the great things about being in Pop Filter is that the band’s armed with so many incredible songwriters, so their album’s are full of a tightly knit diversity. With “Heaven Sent,” the first single, you got an energetic punch of rock n’ roll swagger, but on their newest single they’re settling back into this expansive brand of glorious pop. Every note on the vocals hits perfectly , calmed and coo, with faint hints of soulful, aided by a gentle backing vocal. Perhaps it’s last night’s Nick Drake set, but the piano work adds a nice little texture too that’s thrilling inside. Don’t get me wrong, the track can still swell and feel rocking and rushed, but they’ve got enough experience to pull back in just the perfect spots, leaving you wanting more. Cono is out on December 1st via Bobo Integral.

Pop Filter Return with CONO

As you begin to wrap up your collection of albums to make it through the end of the year, might I suggest you save a spot for Pop Filter, the band that sprang up after Ocean Party. They’ve already delivered some great batches of tunes, but on the first single from CONO, man, you get some full-fledged punching pop rock. In the past, they’re songwriting has flirted with energy, but they’re letting go here, and you’re going to find yourself stomping your feet and bobbing your head as Lach bemoans a mundane existence, begging us all to relax a bit and soak it all in, instead. My favorite moment hits at the 1:35 moment, where the vocals are emphatic, yearning for that youthful exuberance; it reminds me of a more sincere Strokes at their best, and I totally love it. CONO will drop on December 1st via Bobo Integral.

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