More New Jams From Criminal Hygiene


I’ve been really jamming out over the last few weeks to the new album CRMNL HYGNE by L.A. based group Criminal Hygiene.  The album has been in stores for about a month now, but I wanted to share with you a new song called “Alan, I’m in Love” that the band just made available as a free download.  Hopefully it will drum up some excitement for those of you who have yet to get your head on straight and pick up this album.  You cheap skates can even get a digital copy of the massive 17 song album for only $5 over on bandcamp.


Download: Criminal Hygiene – Alan, I’m In Love [MP3]

New Gutter Punk From Criminal Hygiene

It’s rare that I get a song in my inbox from a band I’ve never heard and immediately think everyone I know needs to check it out.  Well that’s what came to mind the first time I listening to this track “Rearrange Me” from L.A. based raw punk outfit Criminal Hygiene.   More than just your average punk rock song, I can actually hear the “I don’t give a shit” emotion coming through on the vocals.  This 4 minute beauty is one to spin over and over.

Criminal Hygiene have a new LP entitled CRMNL HYGNE coming out on January 15th via Small Smile Records.


Download: Criminal Hygiene – Rearrange Me [MP3]

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