Space Daze Delivers Remote View EP

As long time Seapony supporters, we’ve also always been into Danny Rowland’s solo effort, Space Daze. Today we bring you great news that the project has a brand new Remote View EP for you this morning. Listening through to the opening track, it’s clear that Rowland is building layers of guitar atop one another, building texture into the tune to add this moving depth. Still, the guitar work has the focus throughout, which is sort of the personality of the work here, tied to a less dreamy brand than what we might previously have found in his work. Step into Danny’s world and enjoy some fresh Space Daze tracks!

Space Daze Release Visible Spectrum

Before Space Daze, Danny Rowland played in Seapony; I was fortunate to book them for this great show at SXSW where they played with Twerps and Suckers next to a chicken coop. But, the last few years Danny’s really been focusing on his solo stuff, and while there are some sonic similarities to the work, he’s clearly making things his own on the new Visible Spectrum EP. I think you just need to listen to “Don’t Mind” to hear him breaking free of dreamier tendencies and going straight for the bouncing pop jugular! Honestly, I love the contrast of the guitar sound against the steady thump of the beat on this tune, all the while Danny sings just in the distance. But, to be honest, you’d be remiss if you skipped past any of these songs, so just be good to yourself and enjoy the EP below!

Summer Song from Space Daze

spaceThis track was tossed out a few weeks back, and I completely let it slip my mind how incredible it was, until now.  Space Daze is the side-proejct of singer/guitarist Danny Rowland of Seapony, and as he readies a record, he’s offered up this delightful tune.  It’s similar to the work of his main act, holding onto the sincerity of great pop songs, featuring gentle guitar and a really light vocal touch.  His album is titled Follow My Light Back Home, and it this song is any indicator, we’re going to have a great summer album to enjoy when it’s released next week.

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