Sorry I Missed This: New (ish) Album from Dappled Cities

Man, what’s wrong with me?  I’ve been so swamped with US releases that I totally forgot to check in on Dappled Cities.  Long ago when we were a fledgling site with big ambitions, the group played our very first SXSW Show, and we were grateful to have them.  Apparently the group’s been working hard, just getting home after touring in support of  their latest LP, Lake Air.  I’m not sure how that slid under my radar, but better late than never, right?  It’s an energetic pop tune, sincere and bright, just as I remembered the band years ago.  Excuse me, I’m going to go immerse myself in this album. Do the same, won’t you?

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Announcing The ATH Day Party!

We are finally pleased to announce our very own day party during the SXSW music festival week.  We’re also happy to announce that our friends Knuckle Rumbler will be jumping on to help promote along with sponsors Bird’s Barbershop Dominican Joes Coffee, Taco Cabana, and college radio station KTSW.  Free coffee!  Free Tacos!  Beer specials coming soon.  Deets:

Date/Time: (3/18) – Doors @ 11am/music @ noon

Price: Free with RSVP @

Lineup: The Loom(Brooklyn, NY), Crayon Fields(Melbourne, AU), Let’s Wrestle(London, ENG), Lovely Feathers(Montreal, CA), Dappled Cities(Sydney, AU), Surf City(New Zealand).

It’s no doubt an international affair.  Feel free download our fancy poster below and share it with everyone you know.  Start gettin’ those RSVPs in now! Early arrival is strongly recommended as RSVPs do not guarantee entry.  More info. about our showcasing bands to come soon.  For now, try a search on the site to find yourself some MP3s and album reviews.

Click here to download the full-size show poster.

SXSW Watchlist: Dappled Cities

070529dappledcitiesDappled Cities hail from the Down Under, that being the case, they aren’t too well-known in these parts, which is entirely shameful.  They’ve created an album full of lush arrangements, freckled with bit of pop-perfect melodies.  Their sound is reminiscent of a lot of the early OOs indie bands, such as The Glands, crafting varying elements of sound and atmospherics beneath infectious moments of brilliance.  You can tell the band has more great things to offer, especially if you check out their stop off on the Daytrotter.

The band will be playing at The Ranch (708 West 6th Street) on Thursday, March 19 at 8 PM.


Download: Dappled Cities – Fire Fire Fire [MP3]

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