Knifight Bring Dark Pop to Austin
Knifight is a band that I’m sure many of us have seen play on a bill or two around Austin at some point.  They seem to be fairly active in the scene and have worked hard to stand out from the massive crowd.  Our first official post on the band will be to share new song “In the Fire” which appears on the band’s new album Dark Voices that is streamable and for purchase on their bandcamp page.  I’m sure many folks in the know here in Austin have already had a listen to this track, but it’s new to us.  I’d recommend this to anyone into the Joy Division revitalization or fans or more current bands like Cold Cave.
Check out the new album on bandcamp when you get the chance. Â These guys are definitely worthy of being called a band to watch in Austin.
[audio:]Download: Knifight – In The Fire [MP3]