Berlin Tourist Shares Get Out Single

You know I like to pop over to Australia every now and then, just to check out what’s cool over there, which is where I discovered Berlin Tourist. This act is the solo project of Tom Lee, who, unlike many of his peers in the area, seems to be channeling a bit of Blank Dogs and other like-minded punk industrialists. An angular guitar line runs the musical show, while the synthesized beat helps keep the pace, pushing the guitars and the vocals to really go along with the fun. Maybe could use a little pump up in the volume, or some mystery, but a fun Monday jam to crank up around the house.

Stream Nul Telexes Debut LP

If you’re not into cold, cavernous synth pop, please, just skip to the next song you find fascinating, as Nul Telexes debut LP is not for the faint of heart. From the instant it comes on, you’re immersed in these heavy vocal tones washed in this sterile synth mixture; you’ll likely hear a bit of an Ian Curtis nod too. While some of the tunes on Menhir are contemplative in nature, there’s often a driving force pushing the song forward, occasionally creating just a slight dance-ability, like in “A Play.” If any record feels like its been made of the emotions of the last year, then surely this LP is the one; it’s available now from Swiss Dark Nights.

Hear a New One from Ritual Howls

ritualMan, I think I’m in love with this new track from Ritual Howls. There’s this propulsive no-wave new-wave aspect that carries throughout, filled in with lots of negative space to really allow the musical elements to shine. Don’t get me wrong, the deep tonal quality of the vocals is fitting, and adds a strong layer to it, but the musicality alone would have sealed this song for me. This recalls the darker side of dream pop to me, and I fully expect Into the Water, their newest effort, to be something quite enjoyable. Look for its release on August 19th via Felte.

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