J. Madden Shares Dawn

J. Madden rose to fame as a powerful songwriter for both Seatbelts and Hooton Tennis Club, but I felt like he really came into his own when he released his solo debut, Same Day as Yesterday. We’re a few years removed from that release, and we find James in a contemplative mode on his latest single, reflecting on the comforts of home, in the nostalgic sense. His voice feels heavy, akin to the croon of Jonathan Bree, coating the track in this striking drama. At times, you can hear these playful little “oohs” that remind me of Bowie too, so perhaps this is all a fresh take on those spiders that came from Mars. Good time to open up your Tuesday with this tune.

Digging on Super Paradise

superparadiseWhile the year wraps up and folks are looking to 2017, there are still a couple of hits out there waiting for you, like the new album from Super Paradise. The (now) London based act have this earnestness in their vocals that has me currently fawning over them, with their debut single offering up this blistering bit of bouncing pop. I’m tapping my toes here, trying to let myself go, and then the guitars hit a wave of distortion as the track fades out; it’s perfect. Their album, Quencebo, was just put out on CD by Jigsaw Records, which you know we support, so you should do the same.

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