Bed Maker Prep Debut Self Titled LP

This track from Bed Maker popped up a minute ago, and I’m totally stuck on the band’s sound. They offer up this sort of rumbling post-punk, operating on the driving rhythm piece that leaves tons of space for both Amanda MacKaye and stabbing guitar lines to dive into the fold. So many moments on this tune feel like they’ve got you tumbling, crawling for survival; they build angst and tension, tossing out emphatic punches of vocals and guitar bursts with abandon. You get the feeling that this quartet will rip right through your speakers and start playing on your living room floor; they’ll be doing just that if you grab their self-titled LP this Friday via Dischord.

Light Beams Drop Friendly Single

If you’re looking to invest in something fun and playful today, might I suggest you dive into the new Light Beams album? Seeing as the band are tied to Dischord/Mud Memory and DC, its definitely hard for someone living so far away to not hear similarities to some of the work of acts like Q and Not U, particularly as that band aged. There’s this revolving sound, primarily focused on the rhythmic nature; the song snakes its way across the stage, pulsing, bobbing and bouncing. Relying upon such rhythms allows the listener to really feel the movement in their soul, and it all gets punctuated by the rapid vocal delivery from Justin Moyer; even those vocals have a percussive nature to them. If you’re into this sound, get into Wild Life today!

Hammered Hulls Announce Single

Feel like I went a little soft on the early morning listening, but it’s nearing lunchtime, so you’re probably feeling a touch lethargic, maybe the coffee’s worn off…so now I bring you Hammered Hulls, the newest DC supergroup. The band is made up of Alec MacKaye (yes, Ian’s younger brother), Mary Timony, Marc Cisneros and Chris Wilson (Ted Leo’s drummer)…pretty much guaranteeing that it’s going to rock. Opening with tight hi-hat work and driving guitars, the band blasts off in a way only a DC outfit can; Alec has this stretched growl, built perfectly for the post-hardcore…kind of sounds like a more dangerous Hot Snakes to me. Their new 3-song single will be out August 9th via Dischord.

Enjoy Yourself Some Soccer Team

11958304_1039098822776753_941822710785345970_oSometimes you stumble upon a song that really fits your day, and you immediately rush to your computer to fill it with some meaningless words about how much you love said song. Well, here I am to encourage you to listen to this new Soccer Team tune. I’m sure they’d hate it, but it reminds me of good old alternative rock from the 90s (+ a few years); it honestly sounds like a heavier-handed, male/female version of the Halo Benders. Melissa Quinley’s voice is the perfect vocal foil for Ryan Nelson, while the rest of the band work to grind out the song behind them. Look for Real Lessons in Cynicism via Dischord Records on October 27th.

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New Tunes from Title Tracks

titlePersonally, I am a huge fan of John Davis. His drum work in Q and Not U was phenomenal. His pop leanings in Georgie James made me warm inside. Now we have word that he has a new group together called Title Tracks, and they’ve just released their first 7″ off legendary Dischord Records, so you have to support them if you want to keep your street cred. You can head over here for a few samples, or just check the Myspace. Just a heads up on the tunes; it’s got a Ted Leo/Jam feel, which you need to learn to love.

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