Zero Point Energy Share Disintegration

This Friday Zero Point Energy will finally release their forthcoming Tilted Planet LP, and I am definitely going to be spending a good deal of time with it. Today, they offer up another single that’s grabbed my attention, as the music holds to a spirited style of indie rock, but Genesis’ vocal performance offers us a glimpse at something a little different. Where there have been hints at an underlying edginess, the vocals have this guttural growl this go round, providing a bit of a rough edge that slightly changes the band’s dynamic sound. I like that prospect, as it allows for just a hint of differentiation on the listen. Tilted Planet is out via Danger Collective on Friday!

Classic Indie Rock Vibes from Pleasant Grove

pleasantLast week, Austin’s Pleasant Grove released their new album, The Heart Contortionists, revealing a mature band with a well-seasoned sound. That’s the most sincere compliment I can offer, as these guys don’t sound like they’re rehashing anything at all…it even seems like they’ve improved upon things, bringing in light atmospheric touches to match the percussion and piano work that serves as a great backbone to the tune. Definitely feels like this is something that went drastically overlooked by us in the storm of a month that was January. Really enjoying this album, so give this tune a listen.

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