Last Week’s Jams, Today (7.25 – 7.29)

I don’t know if you guys noticed, but RayRay got a new gig, so he’s had tons more time to get some sweet jams up! It’s great, as we definitely have some crossover, but also our own styles, so our playlists are probably much more diverse! I mean, just last week he premiered new Mother Sun and Peter Matthew Bauer, while I was rocking the heck out of Almond Joy and The Smashing Times. I mean, there’s no winner, but you! We also were able to get some old friends on the pages with Why Bonnie and Cam Bina! So, happy Monday to us all!

Dogbreth Share Like a Walletchain

Ever since I first picked up Second Home years ago, I’ve been quietly cheering for Dogbreth to get a big break in the indie sphere. To me, it sounds like Believe This Rain might be the one that gets the band to that place, if that even matters to anyone. There’s lots of current musical reference points throughout the latest single, all of which are up my alley. You can hear this sort of Hovvdy vibe going on in the vocals, providing that sense of nostalgic yearning. But, the musical elements approximate more of a power pop vibe than on previous efforts, though there’s still a bit of that twangy indie rock crunch going through. One of those jams that just feels good, so I feel good sharing it; Believe This Rain is out on August 5th.

Last Week’s Jams, Today (August 30 – September 3)

Well, today might be the beginning of a little decline for the next few weeks, as you’re likely going to be pressing play on this just as I’m bringing Nathan Jr. Jr. into the world. But, like him, you are blessed with these incredible tunes that graced our site last week, all of which will enable you to recover from your Labor Day doldrums. Hopefully this week brings you a great many things!

Dogbreth Releases Some New Tunes

Second Home, the 2016 Dogbreth LP, still gets some good solid play around my place, so I’m always stoked when new songs creep out. Today, we’ve got two new tunes to share with you, with news that another LP should be on the way, perhaps before the end of the year. These are both easily consumable tunes, with this sound that has classic nostalgia and modern emo blurring the lines; I’m super into the warmth of the chorus in “How You Did That,” as it feels closely tethered to where my listening is at of late. Good jams deserve good shares, so here’s to hoping we get more sooner rather than later!

Totally Missed This New Dogbreth LP

I loved the shit out of Second Home (2016), and I felt like Dogbreth generated some decent buzz, so I was surprised to not hear from them. But, like all things, Tristan had to move, so the band changed up until he found friends in Seattle, his new home. And, all of a sudden there’s a brand new LP of great pop rock tracks that you should turn up real loud right this instant. The opening tracks have some punch, but don’t worry about getting burnt out, as you’ll find a few slow jams like “Walk You Again” to sort of cleanse the palate. It’s like this glorious hodgepodge of power pop, pop punk, emo and indie rock, all rolled into this delicious package built for repeat rock listens. Ever Loving is a great LP, and I just now found out about it! Go grab it from the band now!

New Music from Cesar Ruiz

Cesar Ruiz spends a lot of time playing with both Dogbreth and Diners, both bands we enjoy, but he’s stepping out into the light on his own. The guitar work is really crisp, though also walking the current line between 80s nostalgia and dream pop. His vocals are definitely refreshing; there’s a real clarity that allows you to focus on his innate ability to provide playful pop sensations to his audience. If you’re looking for a relaxed ditty to push you out into the afternoon sun, then look no further. His album For Music Lovers will be available in June.

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Top 50 Albums of 2016

top50You’ve all been waiting, anxiously. Waiting for our arbitrary list of the opinion of four folks who run this site, and what we think were the best albums of 2016. It’s really really important. We’re going to make our site great again with this list. We’re going to win, bigly. But really, it’s just a list of the stuff we loved the most that we covered throughout this year on our site. The comment section is open, so feel free to tell us where we’ve gone wrong or what we’ve got right or anything else fitting. Read more

Digging on Dogbreth

dogbrethOn the first few singles from Dogbreth, the band have brandished a broad array of sounds, but mostly in the energy-fueled power-pop genre. This latest single, however, displays a variance, even a softer side. It’s a steadying tune, filled in by all these elements that give huge depth; there’s a saxophone included, tapping drum work and a pleasant vocal added to the main one in the mix. This tune might not hit you over the head with immediacy like others, but its got the emotional pull for longevity. Their new record, Second Home, will be released on August 5th via Asian Man Records.

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Late to the Party: Dogbreth

dogbrethThere’s something nostalgic in the songs that Dogbreth are creating, something that reminds me of days when I didn’t care about what was cool or what had too much hype…it was just something fun to enjoy. Ultimately, those are the sort of bands that paved the way for me to become such a music-a-holic; I admittedly forget that from time to time, so it’s great to have a reminder of just what a great song, or album, can do. The group will released Second Home on August 5th (Asian Man Records), and I expect to wholly enjoy every song on this record…I expect you might too.

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