Stream This Lens Mozer Record

Sometimes you’ve got to slide into the week, and I can’t really think of a way to do that better than encouraging you to listen to that Lens Mozer album that just dropped Friday. The album definitely has some upbeat vibes, though I love how they’re sort of subdued behind this haziness, like in “Sometimes.” You’ll also find these delightful slow burners such as “Such a Drag,” which really reminds me a lot of Papercuts, crafting this haunting pop vibe. Don’t Stop feels like a collection of really huge bedroom pop sounds, as if they were knowingly written to reach out into the galaxy to make everyone’s lives better.

Beautiful New Lens Mozer Tune

There’s something in my brain that immediately lumped this new Lens Mozer track in the pile of music where I keep similar acts like Beach House. It’s that place full of escapism and wistful thoughts; a place I often go for solace. You’ll hear the slow rolling groove, or rather feel it, from the instant the song comes through your speakers. There’s a little bit more clarity in the vocals here, so the emotional pull is more direct and less dreamy, though that’s not changing how much I’m enjoying this being on all day. The debut album Don’t Stop will drop via Plastic Jurassic on January 25th.

Lens Mozer Makes Pop Music for All of Us

You ever turn on a song, and immediately you want to call up your pal and ask them to turn on the same track? I bet if you listen to this new Lens Mozer you’ll probably think the same thing; you better get your phone out to text them before you press play below. There’s just something about it, something that makes you feel like you’re cruising down some coastal highway with your hair flying behind you in the wind, no worries on your mind and a huge grin across your face. We’ve all been looking for that type of song forever, and now we’ve got it. You’ll find this tune on Don’t Stop, which drops in January via Plastic Jurassic.

Woozy Pop Number from Lens Mozer

The opening guitar chord, accompanied by bass, crafts this disorienting pop vibe the minute you press play on this new Lens Mozer tune. But, once Lens jumps in with this voice, you’re transported into the backseat of a car cruising down the coastline with wind at your back. That vibe gets ridden, then the playfulness is upped a bit when breathy vocals jump in to play just after the 2 minute mark. You ride that feeling out until the end as the song fades away into your memory…and if you like it, you’ll be sure to grab Don’t Stop at the end of 2018 via Plastic Jurassic.

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