Dean Wareham Shares As Much As It Was Worth

I love the nakedness with which Dean Wareham is approaching his new record; he seems to be stripping back the magician’s curtains, and in doing so, he’s revealing this incredibly intimate world that’s been captivating me, single after single. This latest one has this emotional pull that I can’t help but to compare to some of Daniel Johnston’s best performances; it has the faintest imperfection, but softened by melody, completely transfixes the listener every step of the way. Every musical note just seems to delicately step around each syllable, careful not to stamp out any nuance that operates as an emotional black hole, sucking everything into the core of the song. I Have Nothing to Say to the Mayor of LA is out on October 15th via Double Feature Records.

Dean Wareham Shares Cashing In Video

I came across this Dean Wareham tune, and I knew that I’d like it, as just a general Dean fan. But, I listened, and fell too far in love with this song for my own good. This is one of those tracks that has all these fine little brush strokes that make the tune magical. Sure, you get Dean’s soothing voice, but you also get faint little string arrangements, uplifting backing vocals…and even amidst some of the more sedate moments you find a quick piano note or a lone guitar line that shimmer in this distance. It’s just magical, but also might be one of the most reflective song’s there ever was in indie rock…or is it? Dean will release I Have Nothing to Say to the Mayor of LA on October 15th via Double Feature Records.

Dean Wareham Announces I Have Nothing to Say to the Mayor of LA

It’s been a little shy of a decade since Dean Wareham released some solo material, but just as his former bandmates returned to the fold this year, so too comes Dean with today’s announcement of I Have Nothing to Say to the Mayor of LA. But, despite some great arrangements that join Dean at the 41 second mark, this song feels really stripped down, almost like early Dylan-esque. There’s definitely something cinematic, too, that creeps into this song, be it the black and white imagery, occasionally blurry here and there, or the track’s general expansive feel, like an old Western with that deep throated narrator. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that the album was recorded with Jason Quever (Papercuts), who creates a lot of wonderful tunes on his own right…so I’m all in here. The LP will be out on October 15th via Double Feature Records.

Still In Love with Britta

brittaSome bands never leave your stereo, and while I loved Luna, I loved the work of Dean & Britta the most. It hit at the right time, endearing me forever to the voice of Britta Phillips (I was already stuck on Dean at that point!). This new single from Britta’s solo project is exciting, though I wish she had more of a vocal performance on the track…though I’ll admit that pick up in the pacing at the 2.15 mark is pretty enchanting. I’ll always stand behind this lady, so I’m welcoming Luck or Magic, which surprisingly, is her debut solo effort; it comes out on April 29th via Double Feature Records.

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