ATH Showcase Recap

athshowcase_coverSo in case you didn’t hear, Austin Town Hall put on a little SXSW showcase last weekend.  We had 5 bands handpicked based on how much we like them and how much we wanted to hear them play live together.  All in all, the show turned off without a hitch and even ended on time for everyone to get their shit together and still get a beer afterward or make it to Auditorium Shores.  Follow the jump for a brief review of our bands and see some fancy photos.

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ATH Showcase @ Victory Grill (3/21)

athshowcase2009We here at ATH started getting a little jealous of everyone having fun with this day party thing during SXSW week, so we thought it was time to join in the fun.  The shindig we’ve put together will be going down at Victory Grill on March 21st from 3pm-8pm and is completely free.  Our lineup should spark your interest and make you want to leave all those other free day parties behind.  You won’t even have to leave the kids at home since all ages are welcome at the show!  I’d recommend getting to the venue early as space is limited.  If you’ve got a little free time, be sure to Like our event on Do512 and check out their sweet SXSW coverage while you’re there.  We almost forgot a map to the venue for you out of towners!  Follow the jump for more details and links to all participating bands.

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Dressy Bessy @ Emo’s 10/16

Dressy Bessy seem to be on the verge of “making it” as artists.  The band has been around for over 10 years now but it seems like they are finally gaining notariety in the blog/music world.  That being said, you better seize the opportunity now to see them at a smaller venue like Emo’s Lounge.  The band will be playing the Jr. version of Emo’s on Thursday with doors at 9pm and tickets only $8.  Latest single “Electrified” can be heard below.


Download: Dressy Bessy – Electrified [MP3]

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