Aural Air Share Night by Night

To be honest, I don’t know too much about Dublin’s Aural Air, other than that I was really taken aback by the newest single from the Irish project. I needed something that musically spoke to pastoral tendencies, but with a vocal that floated high upon the clouds. I love the way the simplistic drum work just seems to roll around, just as the vocal notes seem to tumble from high right into your earholes. You could hear this track being really perfect with noisy walls swirling around it, but I’m grateful that you get to sit back and just rest in its presence for a bit, letting your mind find that peace you’ve been seeking. There’s a new EP titled Imagined Pleasures scheduled to drop before this year’s up, so if you’re into it, be on the lookout.

Sprints Share New Single and Video

Clearly I’ve been on a more upbeat and rocking kick lately and this new single “Adore Adore Adore” from Dublin based artist Sprints will surely add another song to my summer rockers playlist. After a brief video intro, the song kicks off into a whirlwind of 2 and a half minutes of sheer energy, screaming vocals and tons of in your face bravado. I am here for every ounce of it.

“Adore Adore Adore” is out now via Berlin based City Slang Records.

Submotile Shares Foreshadowing Single

Dublin’s Submotile aren’t quite content with rehashing the past or touching up on fads regarding the shoegaze genre. Instead, they seem to have taken notes, then said “fuck it” and crafted their own vibe, which is both powerful and refreshing. Starting off running, you get this propulsive rhythm pounding the beat with cascading guitars working in the background; it starts to evolve into a really heavy post-rock soundscape vibe, which makes the drop in all the more special. Noise swirling, vocals come in, melodic and cool, crafted in such a way that it almost feels like another layer gets built into the complex fabric. Personally, the back and forth between the noisier elements and pop hooks is what just tugs at me, so I’m all in for the band’s new LP. One Final Summit Before the Fall will be out on October 21st via modern legends Shelflife Records.


Banger From Oh Joy

Man of us here at ATH have a soft spot in our hearts for Irish bands and the incredible music they’ve created in the indie world. Make a quick search for something like Ireland, Irish, or Dublin and you’ll see what I’m talking about. My latest Dublin, Ireland obsession comes by way of this song “So Swell” from Oh Joy. It’s like some of the best rising bits of WWPJP clashed with the brooding moments of early 90s alternative rock. Sounds wild, but you will definitely enjoy yourself.

Even More From No Monster Club

Dublin’s own No Monster Club is currently one of the busiest bands in the game having released 5 EPs already in 2017. Being so relentless with releases this year, one might think the quality of music is watered down, but you’d be totally wrong. Maybe you’ll believe me after listening to this new fun pop single called “You Are Here”. If a song was ever ready for summer, it’s this bright and catchy new track from no Monster Club.

EP #5 of the year, Faqir – Hex, is now available for digital purchase on bandcamp.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Hit from September Girls

I love writing about the bands on Matinee Recordings; it makes it so easy as they almost never miss.  The newest installation to their storied stable is Dublin’s September Girls, a five piece group specializing in bringing a blend of atmospheric post rock and girl group harmonies.  It’s pretty much a perfect blend of all your favorite things, uniting noisier pop with your tendency to wax nostalgic about a more pure rock n’ roll sound.  You better get your hands on it now, as the history of the band shows that there music is being gobbled up quickly all over the globe, so chances are this 7″ EP won’t be around for too long.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Noisy Little Rocker from No Monster Club

If you’re looking for a band that lives somewhere between Fresh and Onlys and Wavves, then let me introduce you to No Monster Club!  The group came to my attention as I was following one of my favorite smaller labels, CF Records.  They’ve recently helped this Irish trio put out a small small run of their newest LP, Dublin, and it’s a pretty solid introduction to the band.  Below you’ll find a rambunctious bit of garage pop filled with infectious hooks and a bit of disregard for hi-fi recordings.  Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t get this jam out of my head.


Download:No Monster Club – Be My Bone [MP3]

New Music (to me) from Nick Carswell & The Elective Orchestra

One of my favorite sounds, musically, is the combination of a gentle male voice juxtaposed with an appropriately matched female harmony,  so I was lucky today when I came across Nick Carswell & The Elective Orchestra, a group that employs such tricks. The band released their album The Word not too long ago, but it’s just now making it to my computer, and I’m grateful for that.  Just wait for the drums to kick in near the end of this song, rolling you towards the melodious end of the track.  Sure, it’s an unassuming little pop ditty, but sometimes those are the best.


Download: Nick Carswell & Elective Orchestra – Folks Like Us [MP3]

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