Austin Psych Fest Returns This April

After a brief break, then transitioning to Levitation, Austin Psych Fest made its return last year; they’ve slimmed it down and made it two action packed days of psychedelic jams for the masses. Today they’ve announced the new lineup, and the headliners are surely going to turn heads. You’ve got Explosions in the Sky and Godspeed at the top…also Yo La Tengo and Kim Gordon, but I want you to remember that the bottom of the bill is where the folks at Resound and Levitation excel. I mean, Dummy put out one of the best records last year, and I still feel like the cool kids haven’t quite caught on yet. Oh, and Dean Wareham is going to do a Galaxie 500 set! This is going to be bonkers, so get your tickets now while you can! The fest goes on from April 25- 27; grab tickets right HERE. Brought to you by Levitation and Resound Presents.


Top Albums of 2024…According to Nathan

I love to wrap up the year later than most, mostly because my real job always has me swimming against the current. But, nonetheless, I’ve got a solid list of the records I loved this year…and you’ll notice a lot of the same stuff as my peers, with maybe a few tweaks here and there to throw my own flare into it. Not really sure how to write an intro into something that seems so opinion-based, so here’s the list of records you should already have purchased if you come to this site frequently!

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Last Week’s Jams (9.9 – 9.13)

Seemed like a strange week for some reason, but there were some definitely tunes that just broke my heart, in the best way possible. I continue to be impressed by Merce Lemon‘s new stuff, and “Crow” was just a beast. Porridge Radio, too, offered up a song that just wanted to shatter spirits, though if that’s the case, I won’t mind one bit. Alas, there was some pop in the week, like the new record from Young Scum and new single from Jim Nothing. Plus, old favorites the New Tigers are back, as is Germany’s Roller Derby. Indulge yourselves by pressing play below, but be sure to start with the powerhouse hit from The Wickies.

Friday Album Streams: Lunar Vacation, Kal Marks and More

Dropped the ball last week, and there were several notable releases hitting the streets, at least on my end (Dummy and Mythical Motors). Plus, there were some solid releases dropping this week we wanted to remind you of. This section just needs the streams and the links, so you can make up your own mind! Stream and buy the stuff below!


Lunar VacationEverything Matters, Everything’s Fire (Keeled Scales)

Kal MarksWasteland Baby (Exploded in Sound)

Nada SurfMoon Mirror (New West Records)

DummyFree Energy (Trouble In Mind Records)

Mythical MotorsSeven is Circular (Self-Released)

Last Week’s Jams (8.26 – 8.30)

Sorry for taking Monday off, but even us little guys need a break from time to time. But, here we are to remind you of the great stuff we covered last week, with some absolute bangers you’ll have in your ear for the rest of the day/week/year. I absolutely love the Miners tune that kicks things off, with a quick jangling follow up from Young Scum right behind it. And to be honest, the Pop Filter tune had me in my feelings all weekend long, so be sure you stick to the end of that track. Some nods to new releases from Easy Sleeper, Mint Field, Stinako and Shady Cove also made it into our weekly suggestions. Oh, and as if all this wasn’t enough, you have to dip your toes in the new Dummy and Nothing Natural singles, doing the Cali subset proud.

Dummy Share Blue Dada Video

Those of you who continue to look for Dummy to repeat themselves on Free Energy are going to be drastically disappointed. They’ve taken their flirtation with beats and techno grooves and given them the freedom to take the lead, whilst the group workout ways to add bulk to the vibe. For nearly two minutes, the group flirt with a sort of trippy brand of house pop, letting these subtle ,shadowy melodies run amok amidst thickened beats; you’ll find a stark change in direction at the 2 minute mark, where the band rolls out a more rock oriented vibe. Guitars ring out quickly, building another blanket of warmth within the song, furthered as the vocals wrestle with one another while guitar squiggles of noise squeeze through the speakers. Free Energy finds the group continuing to push this genre to extremes; you can grab it on September 6th via Trouble in Mind Records.

Last Week’s Jams (7.15 – 7.19)

After a rather mellow preceding week, this past one hit hard with some bigs hits for us on our end. We took some time out to reach out to our friend Andy from Chime School, grabbed a quick interview and a vegan chili recipe. Fell in love with a couple of great new pop tunes from the likes of Sassyhiya and Sumos, plus that Casual Technicians wasn’t too shabby either. Repped some album love for Crack Cloud, Manners Manners, Julia Sophie, Immortal Nightbody, Red Jacket and Nightshift too. Plus, good solid Austin contingent getting love with new music from Being Dead, Hallo and Blood (Austin adjacent, right?). Dig in and find a cool tune below.

Dummy Share Nine Clean Nails

After Mandatory Enjoyment put Dummy on everyone’s radar (they’re EPs were on our radar way early!), the band took time to really break their own mold on the newest LP, Free Energy. As you listen to “Nine Clean Nails,” you’ll notice that the guitars hang off stage to a degree, letting that snapping rhythmic pulse crest and fall before your ears. It’s not until you hit the 1:35 mark where they begin to really tie all the pieces together, letting the guitars ring out sharply, washing the tune in a mixture of noise and bubbling pop. The beat work throughout is really special, snapping in the right spots, and rolling into those bright guitar riffs really builds towards a climactic release that arrives just as the tune draws to a close. Dummy are not ones to repeat themselves, so look for lots of great plot twists when Free Energy drops via Trouble in Mind on September 6th.

Dummy Announce Free Energy

Throughout their first few EPs and their debut LP, Dummy sounded like a band willing to take their love for noise and pop music into new realms; they took the sounds they loved and flipped it on its head, much to the adoration of folks like me. Today, we bring you the welcome news that they’re returning with Free Energy, their sophomore LP. Our first listen has this blend of textures that seemingly don’t coexist, but when delivered by this LA outfit, everything makes sense. It begins with this experimental water science project, just before moving into these rolling house beats hiding beneath this buzzsaw guitar realm that dominates the surface of the tune. What ties it all together you ask? The perfect execution of vocals; the way each voice gets layered crafts its own textural world, building a dreaminess that constantly fights for air in the noisy realm they’ve created. Free Energy will carry you to other worlds on September 6th, courtesy of Trouble In Mind Records.

Dummy Drop Sub Pop Single

After dropping the superb Mandatory Enjoyment via Trouble in Mind, Dummy return with a brand new ripper for Sub Pop Singles Club. They pick up exactly where they left off, dropping in these motorik drum beats that race the the song forward, while guitars and melodies battle for control over the direction of the track. Juxtaposed male/female vocals, aided by the rising sun of synth work, build this underlying brightness that the band tame just before the 2 minute mark. That, however, is a momentary blip as the song explodes into euphoric noise at the 2:17 mark to close the tune out in high fashion. Also, keep a look out at your local venues, as the band are touring pretty heavily for the time being.

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