Alpaca Sports Share Tribute to Soren Borjesson, Autograph

We only recently learned that Alpaca Sports would be back in the music making game. And, while I always appreciate their work, this new single comes with a bit of sadness, as the tune was hurried out to the world as a tribute to the Soren Borjesson, the Swedish football player whom the song adores. It’s a light number, almost lounge-oriented indiepop, playing with Andreas voice working over the lightest bit of synthetic ambiance and a strumming that seemingly disappears behind the percussive element. This song will appear on the new record, dropping in January via Elefant, but be on the lookout for another version on the horizon in November.

Lisasinson Offer Decidi Desaparecer

I know that the majority of us really only enjoy our pop rock when it’s got these huge English hooks, but if you will, indulge yourself in Spanish outfit Lisasinson an their new single. They tease with a piano line, tinkering with offering up some sort of slick 80s pop ballad, but they don’t hang out their too long, letting the guitars run in and rip right through. A steady beat lets the song open, allowing guitar notes to jangle while the vocals get delivered sharply; the chorus has this feeling of bombast, successfully pushing things in a pure pop direction. You can feel the emotional push that gets your blood pumping and your spirit rising. This is the second single from the band’s next album, offered up by Elefant, with more news to follow.

The Hepburns Drop Five Miles of Line Video

As soon as I clicked on the new single from The Hepburns (featuring Esteslla Rosa of Nah), I knew that it had to be the first track I’d post this morning. The horns light the song up almost immediately, sort of begging you to take in the sunshine as you sip on your morning coffee or tea. Crooning vocals, both male and female, offer up a smooth little lounge vibe; I feel like I’m being serenaded at some matinee show on a cruise ship for aged hipsters. I guess I’m just a suck for really lush orchestration, which this song has in abundance. Yet another reason to keep an eye out for the new LP, Architecture of the Ages, out via Elefant at the end of November.


Lisasinson Share Infectious Single, Atasco

This is going to be a hard pill for you to swallow, but I absolutely guarantee that the best song you’re going to hear today is this new jam from Spanish quartet Lisasinson. The first 40 seconds, I was sold, but also sort of on pins and needles wondering where would this song go? Little did I know it’d drop in and rock my socks off! I nearly jumped out of my chair and started flailing around the room; I’m old now so I just tapped my toes super hard. It’s scuzzy in all the right places, and filled to the brim with melodies you can’t get out of your head, no matter how hard you try. Their new single is out today via Elefant, and I’ll probably listen to it another twelve or thirteen times before I even post this.

Another Playful Indiepop Number from Alpaca Sports

Long time Alpaca Sports fan here; I’m already looking towards Friday’s release of From Paris With Love, the band’s latest album. I appreciate how this seems to have a natural bounce to it, perhaps due to the way that high hat seems to stomp about the entire mix. Of course, the guitars have a solid jangle, and Andreas definitely is starting to sound a lot like Kip Berman…the addition of a nice backing vocal definitely guarantees a pop uptick! The new LP drops on Friday via Elefant, so be sure to get your hands on a copy before they run out.

Orange Cassettes Go Back to 2002

oranjeOkay, so maybe they don’t go all the way back there, but seeing as the members of Orange Cassettes are from Elefant and Radio 4, that seems like a solid time for the bands to really be making a wave.  But, with that out there, the duo has comprised some music that moves forward while still wearing the patches of the not so distant past. The tune below is definitely begging to get a nice club remix, though I miss the brash quality that Radio 4 seemed to bring to the table.  The single is being released digitally by Ring the Alarm, which is calling all parities to action…seems like that action here is to just shake it.

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