More Synthy Indiepop from Coastal

Fanou, formerly of Skittle Alley, gave us Voyage Intererieur earlier this year, and already he’s back with a whole new batch of synth-driven indiepop songs under the name Coastal. I love how his electronic aspects don’t overshadow his indiepop tendencies, instead combining them into one organic collection of concise pop tunes. he has this way of elongating the tension until your ready for the release. Of the tracks present on Endless Summer, I think I’m gravitating towards “The Time” as my personal favorite…definitely holds the heaviest beat. If you’re interested, then mosey on over to Discos de Kirlian to get your hands on these tracks.

Stream Endless Summer from Big Wave Riders

bigwaveIf you’ve been riding along on our site, you surely know that I’m greatly anticipating the forthcoming Big Wave Riders album, Endless Summer. And wouldn’t you know it, we’ve got it streaming below for your enjoyment. I love the maturity the band have show, hitting various touchstones that I adore, particularly in the realm of great guitar pop like “Crest of a Wave” or upbeat pop numbers like “Flipping the Bird.” You’ll even hear some fuzzier psych influenced tracks lurking around, so music nerds will get a little bit of it all from this album. It’s soaked in an essence of cool, begging for you to get hip to the Finnish band’s sound. Grab it from Soliti on Friday!


Big Wave Riders Announce New Album

Big_Wave_Riders_-_Crest_Of_A_Wave-cover_smallThere’s something hopeful on the horizon, something where anything and everything is waiting for you…at least that’s what Big Wave Riders are promising with their brand new song, “Crest of a Wave.” It’s a positive message that accompanies the band’s announcement of their next LP, Endless Summer. The sound of the guitars also provide you with that sensation of optimism; it’s indie rock of the guitar pop sort, but you’ll find it ratherjoyous. There’s even a happy little yelp just after 2 minute mark displaying how much fun the band are having. Look to get your hands on their new LP on August 26th via Soliti Music.

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Brand New Big Wave Riders

bigwaveWhile we haven’t heard anything new from Big Wave Riders in a few years, rest assured that the band hasn’t left our mind since they released Life Less Ordinary. Lucky for us all the band are back with a brand new album and a brand new single to affirm their place in our listening hearts. While I love the song, musically, I think the band’s message behind the track is as important; the lyrical content focuses on a need to escape a world inundated by media horror stories in order to find something to believe in…being sunshine in this case. There’s light at the end of the tunnel folks, especially when Soliti releases Endless Summer later in 2016.

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