Squirrel Shares Another Single

While it might not have the cache of the cool kids, I really am appreciating the quiet work of Squirrel. From what I know, Squirrel is holed up in his tree, crafting these lo-fi pop tunes that wouldn’t be too far away from the heart of Daniel Johnston. That might be easiest to feel in the vocals, but there’s also some quick decisions in the songwriting that feel like the sort of left turns Daniel would make in his work; there’s just a lot of personality that shines through in the craft that makes me all the more appreciative of Squirrel’s songwriting. Keep an eye out for Everything Sucks Forever when it drops on October 30th.

Squirrel Share Stick Figures

Squirrel is a home-recording artist based in New Jersey, but listening through the craft on his fresh single, it seems like he might be best suited for the quaint town of Athens, Georgia. You’ll hear a certain devotion to pop sounds in the building of the tune, with elements of creative warble and fuzz abundant in the space behind the vocals. Something about it reminds me of early Elf Power, which is one of my most cherished vibes. But, there’s also a bit of Islands/Unicorns in the poppier side, which I think really made the tune magical in my ears. If you’re digging, Squirrel will release Everything Sucks Forever on October 30th.

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