Ibex Clone Announce All Channels Clear

Gathering members from across Ex-Cult, Nots and Hash Redactor, it seems like Ibex Clone already had a nice formula, at least to appeal to my tastes. Now, with their new album and a brand new single, it’s time to give the band’s work a nice listen. Drawing inspiration from GBV, Meat Puppets and XTC, the band’s aim are to take those pop structures and stretch those sounds into something fresh. You can certainly hear the guitar work playing into the jangling pop scene, though the fleshing out brings in a little bit more heaviness and weight; it all sort of feels like collage work, adding layers and textures from the musical touchstones and building a new piece that stands on its own. Excited to hear where All Channels Clear takes us; it’s out via Goner Records on February 3rd.

Aquarian Blood Share New Tune + ATX Show Tonight at Vegas

You’d think a band comprised of members of Ex Cult and NOTS (formerly) would have some sort of monstrous presence in a new project. But, that’s exactly why I love Aquarian Blood, and in fact, why I’ve always loved rock n’ roll. This isn’t a banger, or a ripper; it’s a stripped down ballad that’s about as intimate as they come. The vocals are wholly solemn, almost weary from a live well-lived. I guess for me, the band just hit that sweet spot of not-quite folk; you can hear the musical lineage on both sides of the coin, particularly with the great arrangements fleshing out the tune. This tune will be on A Love That Leads to War, the new LP out October 11th via Goner Records.

Plus! If you’re in Austin, you can catch the band with Thigh Master at Hotel Vegas tonight!

Hash Redactor Announces Debut

You’d expect nothing short of the sound below if you found out that members of Ex-Cult and NOTS formed a new band named Hash Redactor. There’s this heavy post-punk, consistently being spliced into pieces by jagged guitar chords as the matter-of-fact vocal delivery serves to steady the ship. We get to hang out here, in an anxious state, which only grows around the 2 minute mark as the song gets more frantic, more discordant, rushing listeners to the song’s end. Drecksound, the band’s debut album, will be released by Goner Records on April 26th.

Rocker from Aquarian Blood

All pop and no rock makes me a dull boy, so this Aquarian Blood tune is the best way to wake us all up today. The band is comprised of JB and Laurel Horrell (he of ExCult, she formerly of Nots), and they brandished a pounding bit of discordant punk that you’d expect from the two…fleshed out with some help from their friends. It’s a frenetic pace from the get-go, and only settles down in the final thirty seconds of the tune. You want energy, you want rock? Then check out their Last Nite in Paradise LP on Goner Records on February 10th.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/303184072″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Did You Miss This Ex-Cult

Ex-CultYou’d be excused for keeping up with the slew of hits that ran amuck yesterday, but that’s why I’m here, a day late and a few dollars short to remind you about this Ex-Cult track. This new single is a straight rocker, blasting forth with these machine gun drum hits that seem barely able to keep up with the pacing. I feel as if this song was crafted specifically for the band’s live set, meant for stalking stages and creating tension with the audience…and that’s only the recorded version. Look for the group’s Negative Growth via In the Red Recordson September 23rd.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/282610509″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Even More Ex Cult

excultAlready this week we streamed the new 7″ from Ex Cult, but we have better news for you today: the band have announced their new album, Negative Growth. It seems that the band’s concept of creating an album about “fear and deception” have taken hold in the recording of this new effort; there’s a darkness that pervades this tune,which still holds true to the energetic force the band has always pushed forward. Even the vocals on this track have a different feel, as if they’re being recorded in a bubble or under water; it definitely brings forth the spirit of fear. In the Red Records will be releasing the album later this year, so get ready.

The band has a slew of West Coast/Midwest tour dates in October, including a October 3rd show at Barracuda here in Austin (+3 other Tx shows).

Stream The New 7″ From Ex-Cult

unnamed (14)It seems like my day will continue to rock with these new songs from Memphis based Ex-Cult. So the band is releasing a brand new 7″ soon, and in preparation they have posted both of the new songs on bandcamp for all to enjoy. I’m sharing both below, and many of you might recognize “1906” from earlier this month, but new song “Summer of Fear” is really doing it for me. While rock at it’s core, I love the overtones of punk rock and psychedelia as well.

Pick up this new 7″ on vinyl via Famous Class on August 12th.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2057666076 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=none]

GOGGS Should Come As No Surprise

goggsReally, the music being pumped out of your speakers should come as no surprise at all to you, especially if you love Ty Segall and Ex-Cult. Both of those bands have had really successful careers, especially in the last few years. Ty and Chris Shaw, along with Charles from Fuzz, have created GOGGS, and it’s every bit a rocker as you would expect from a band comprising the three. It’s heavy on the riffs, with Shaw’s snotty growl pummeling your ears in a manner that very few can pull off. In a week where a majority of the tunes have been pretty calm, this rocker is a much need respite. Look for the debut single from the group to hit in November via In the Red Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/225603566″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Jam from Ex-Cult

exexDidn’t want to throw all these mellow jams at you without giving you something to turn up loud. Ex-Cult released the excellent Midnight Passenger LP earlier this year, and they’re already looking to start off next year with a band, bringing you the Cigarette Machine EP .  The lead tune is below, bringing you that gritty sensation of danger the band have oft encompassed in their live sets.  Some bands, you skip over the EPs, but not this band, every song is worth a solid listen.  Grab your own on February 9th courtesy of Castle face Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/175160033″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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