Nathan’s Favorite Oceanic Albums of 2017

For the 8 or so people who read this blog on the regular, you’ll likely be aware of my affection for all things Oceanic, primarily New Zealand and Australia. So, with year end lists in mind, I thought I’d offer up my personal takes on the best tunes to come out of the area in 2017. There’s no particular order, just my sixteen favorites of the year.

There’s even a fun little playlist at the bottom for you to enjoy!


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Fazerdaze Signs with Flying Nun Records

Flying Nun Records continues their run of really great female-fronted guitar pop this year by signing Fazerdaze for the release of her debut Morningside. Honestly, this might be the best thing they’ve got on the books this year (that includes new music from The Bats and The Courtneys). This single coming with the announcement has a rather dreamy quality to it, especially in the way that there’s a coat on the vocals. But, in the music, you can hear the guitar being strummed way up in the mix, which adds a great balance to the track. This definitely sounds like something we’ll all agree is great…look for it on May 5th, just in time to help craft a great summer playlist.

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