Last Week’s Jams (9.5 – 9.8)

Just because we took Monday off last week, it didn’t mean we were taking it easy; I think I posted 11 things in one day, simply because there’s been so much great jams to get turned onto. Austin had tons of representation with TVs Daniel, Motorsports, Friday Boys, DAIISTAR and Feeling Small, but my own love for Spanish-language pop was made all the better with tunes from Melenas and Mint Field coming our way. Teenage Tom Petties were back for the attack, with a new album announcement. Plus, there’s some reissue news with Kath Bloom and Single Bullet Theory getting coverage. So yeah, music! Whoohoo!

More from Feeling Small

It seems like every week we get to open up a delicious treat from Feeling Small, the solo project of Chase Weinacht. This song, perhaps, has Chase returning ever so slightly to where we first encountered him in Marmalakes, building this heavy brood that seems like it could erupt at any moment, splashing into this piece of bombast. But, it’s held back, holding tight to the tension that pulls you inside; Weinacht’s voice is recorded perfectly by local engineer Michael Landon, balancing the intimacy atop that tense ascent. All of it smashes to a close, a cleansing of sorts that lets us sit whilst we await the next piece in Feeling Small puzzle.

Last Week’s Jams (8.28 – 9.1)

It was definitely a busy week on my end, but we pushed through and still managed to crank out some really great music for you all. RayRay got to run the sweet new album stream for Grimson‘s new LP, and I was just hopping all over the place like musical ADHD music junkie I am. Had some good power-pop from the Slow Summits and Colored Lights, to give you some energy. Some great ballad work by Austin artists Feeling Small and Daily Worker to warm and make you cry at once. Plus, I got to bump that new jam from Pachyman, not to mention our weekly dose of all the goods from Australia like Lower Plenty, Screensaver, and Vintage Crop. Stream on below, amigo!

Feeling Small Share Arizona Driveway

Over the last few months, our friend Chase Weinacht from Marmalakes has offered us glimpses of what’s to come with his Feeling Small project. But, from my meaningless perch, this might be one of the most striking tunes he’s penned. Cleary, Chase’s voice can absolutely carry a tune, with or without accompaniment, but the stark nature of this performance places his sincerity and strength in the forefront. Light percussive touches and a hint of backing vocals carefully tiptoe around the guitar notes, all of it just giving enough lift to the tune as each note hangs, echoing in my ears for the time being…and perhaps yours as well.

Last Week’s Jams (5.15 – 5.19)

It was a busy week to start, then as usual at this time of year, I teetered out with our coverage; I blame the fact that I stayed up late to catch a great set from En Attendant Ana. We covered a lot of territory, bringing in an old school song from Heavenly, but with a new video to celebrate. Austin got some love with another great Feeling Small tune, plus some bonus Being Dead coverage popping up in there. ATH faves Melenas announced a new record, so really, we had an all out awesome week on our end. Feel free to stop in and check out what we had going.

Feeling Small Shares The Room Acts Small

This past Friday our friend Chase Weinacht, who currently is operating under his Feeling Small moniker, released another great single. His wordplay is perfect, and in a strange way, reminded me of the first time I listened to John K. Sampson. But, when I read through the credits, the song also encompasses one of the reasons I’ve really been digging his solo work…the community. This track features local Austin artists like Grace Rowland, Andrew Stevens and Santiago Dietche, all artists we’ve written about, but more importantly, all artists who are part of the lifeblood of the last decade plus of Austin music. It shows a level of trust in friends and in collaborators, which I know Chase values, so that makes me value him and his work all the more. Just listen already.

Last Week’s Jams (5.1 – 5.5)

Last week started off with a smattering of great tunes, but I’ll admit to wearing out by week’s end…for some reason just felt like there wasn’t a whole lot out there tugging at me! We were really excited to share some great ATX stuff like the latest from Feeling Small and Johanna Heilman…with Alien Eyelid‘s great new single just a few hours away from our home base. Lots of acts we’ve been harping on had new singles, like Daisies, The Soft Walls; we also got a new single from one of our SXSW raves, Lifeguard. Oh, and we’re starting off with the Particles, as we’re over the moon they’re getting some reissue treatment from Chapter Music.

Feeling Small Share Gymnasium

Watching your friends grow and find their footing in life is always a place of privilege, allowing you to take joy in their successes; this is precisely the case with our friend Chase Weinacht and his new project Feeling Small. Today he shares another single, a track that seems to detail just that, finding his place and his voice as one of Austin’s strongest songwriters. Musically, Chase relies upon his voice as the melodic drive as he works carefully over intricate guitar lines; he gets some textural support from light bass, along with some ethereal backing vocals. In the narrative, whether Weinacht is our character or not, you get an artist sort of coming to terms with their own capabilities, realizing that they, too, can be great…or in the case of Chase…they are great.

Last Week’s Jams (4.10 – 4.14)

Looking back at last week, there was tons of really great stuff out there, and admittedly, there are a few things we just didn’t have time to get to on our end. But, stoked for Austin, as there was great new music from Being Dead, Transy Warhol, Holy Wire and new project Feeling Small. My favorite track from the most recent Blues Laywer LP got a video treatment, so I had to have that one out. RayRay covered that huge banger from Night Beats, who will be in town for Psych Fest. And, one of my favorite SXSW acts Snooper announced their new LP too, so you get a bunch of winning hits!

Feeling Small Shares First Single

One of the great things about working on a site like this is you can do whatever you want, and I would like today to turn our attention to our friend Chase Weinacht and his new project Feeling Small. We’ve worked with Chase before, but for this project he’s amassed a rotating cast of Austin characters including members of Why Bonnie and Good Looks. Honestly, this song’s hard to distance from Chase, but I think his personality it what bleeds into his music; he’s a gentle soul a loyal friend and a supporter of all of you, even if you don’t know it yet…I think of that whenever I hear his words pop through my speakers, grateful that there’s still folks like him writing great songs with their friends. His songs are the opposite of the band’s name; they make you feel huge and part of something bigger than yourself. But, don’t take my word for it, stream the new tune below!

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