One More Few Bits Tune For You

fewbitsFew Bits will be releasing their sophomore album Big Sparks on Friday, so why not celebrate that release by offering you another single. Here, Karolien’s voice is the winner, offering a great vocal performance while the band, for the most part, works quietly behind her…accenting with the emphatic note here and there. What’s special? Well, I think the chorus is quite stunning, punching up the melody in exactly the right spot; it’s an infectious moment that has you holding out for more. PIAS is releasing the record Friday, so pop fans, you’ve been warned. I mean, come on…the chorus!

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Dream Pop from Few Bits

fewbitsReally enjoying kicking off my day by jamming to this elegant dream pop from Few Bits. It’s a subtle number, pushing forth with an understated side of smoky vocals gracefully sitting atop the song’s backbone. It’s all about the melody, gracefully resting inside the vocals that coolly float throughout the track. Pretty sure that this new album, Big Sparks, is going to win the hearts of all those Beach House fans, and the many more who like to indulge in airy pop music; it comes out on September 30th via PIAS.

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Low Key Pop from Few Bits

fewbitsMusically I’m all over the place today, but I think this Few Bits would fit in any day in my listening rotation. There’s a dreamy quality that I don’t ever deny myself, with a sultry vocal and that lightly sparkling guitar note. For me, I think the song really takes off during the chorus, as the vocal comes across at it’s strongest and most emphatic. I appreciate that there’s no pressure in this song, no huge wall of tension I’m waiting to hear crash, just consistently pleasant vibes that I can’t escape. This song appears on the group’s new album, Big Sparks.

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