Ocelot Share Prinssi Pikkuveli Single

We’re getting some light rain here in Texas, with the clouds hiding the early morning sun, so I wanted something shiny to spark up our day, like this fresh new single from Ocelot. While the song opens up an offering that feels akin to current indie pop trends, it quickly delivers a sound built with textures that provide an elegant depth. That bouncing barroom piano playfully sets the song afire, but it’s the overlapping vocals that drive the hook from the chorus deep into your soul. Even if, like me, you’re not up on your Finnish, the sentiment supersedes language barriers, finding a home in your listening rotation. This tune appears on Siskoni on Noita, out in September 20th via the good people at Soliti Music.


Hattara Share Uimaan Single

If you dabble in visiting this site, hopefully you’re aware of our appreciation for the world of Finnish pop music, mostly due to our long-running friendship with Soliti Records. Today, however, we bring you an act not associated with the label, but certainly a swoon worthy piece of pop from Hattara. Akin to many a dreampop act in the States, the song kind of dangled these little pieces of sparkling guitar glass in the background while the drums offer up a steady groove to kind of give the track just enough pace to illustrate movement. Vocals come in just as you’d want in this setting, offering up that rustling wind effect, allowing the song to sort of billow and move as each note blows through your speakers. Really appreciated the noisy bite at the end.

Ocelot Shares Brand New Single

We can always count on our friends Soliti to turn us on to great new stuff coming out of Finland , mostly because they’re the ones releasing the aforementioned “great new stuff.” Today, for instance, they bring about this dreamy new single from Helsinki’s Ocelot; they’ve been quiet since their 2022 debut, so hopefully this brings us promise of more tunes to come. I love the way it works with this incredible beat underneath; the guitar slides up and down, just as the drums snap, all of it working under this intoxicating groove. In the vocals, you get this sort of reserved calm, at times moving into a whisper that exposes just a hint of intimacy between artist and listener. Personally, there’s these great little nuanced moments too, little noise trinkets that sneak in from time to time, popping up to drag you beneath the song’s surface. Enjoy.

Cats of Transnistria Share Big Sleep

Our friends at Soliti Music in Finland have been bringing us music from Cats of Transnistria for years now, and I’m grateful, as the band seem to create those listens that are fully immersive, tugging at your brain as they take you on their ethereal journeys. Today, there’s a brand new single, and it’s definitely no different, creating this cavernous depth by utilizing a heavy thumping drum; it felt for a moment like I was being marched off to my doom. That makes sense too, as the band have mentioned that their new work culls from the grooves created by the rhythm section. Still, don’t just get settled into one spot here, as you’ll be ripped from your roots when the 3:15 minute mark hits, crashing against you with thunderous beauty. Looking forward to hearing where they go as we move on!

Pink Chameleons Return with Some Sunny Feeling

We knew there was something bubbling up from Finland’s Pink Chameleons this year when the band offered up some new singles back in January. Now, they’re back with another melted banana of psychedelia, spilling out their textural wonderworld on the floor before you. This is the sort of pensive psychedelia that we don’t encounter as often these days, pulling from these sort of mysterious Eastern influences like a slow burning stick of incense, flickering in the winds of the saxophone as it blows through the core of the track. If you wish to immerse yourself in the heavier state of the genre, then give this one a solid try; thanks to Soliti for getting it out there!

Kaspar Announces Let Go + Share Let Go

Finnish duo Kaspar are working on something that feels supremely familiar, yet in the current climate, it feels totally refreshing. They open their new “Let Go” single with this sort of brooding bit of cool, the vocals working on this fuzzed out guitar line, steadily building the song’s groove. As progression continues, they spin that groove into something a bit more playful as they drop in a little percussion, taking notes from artists like Beck where you get to walk the line between cool and openly pop. Personally, I love the lighter vocal touch that shimmies in the back of the track. They’ll release Calling the Waters on May 17th via Soliti Music.

Lala Salama Drop Fresh Single

If you spend any time on this site, you surely know that I am super into the Finnish scene. I owe that to our good friends over at Soliti Music, but, of late, I’ve also gotten into Helsinki’s All That Plazz, who just released this energetic ditty from Lala Salama. While the Suomi language is used for the lyrics, the emotional appeal is so easy to slide into, whether you fully grasp the vocals or not. When that chorus hits and soars, its impossible not to get completely swept up in the pull…and I’m all here for it. Totally worth getting lost in this song for a few moments!

Stream New Music from Mikko Joensuu

Felt like we should take a breather with our musical coverage a little bit, offering a pensive number, courtesy of Finland’s Mikko Joensuu. His latest release, Long Ark, is a double LP opus, stretching over 80 minutes, so it definitely is something you’re going to have to sit with for a bit of time, ideally the ten or so minutes streaming below. This tune’s full of slow moving vocals, a bit of string work, ultimately allowing you soak in the mood; it’s this dense cavern of pop music that really encourages full immersion. There are moments in this where I couldn’t help but just sit with Joenssu’s delivery, holding on as he stretches syllables into the soft curls of the atmosphere. Find yourself some time to spend with Long Ark and the tune below!

Pink Chameleons Share Colors Seem to Fade

Today we get to celebrate the return of Pink Chameleons, led by Paltsa-Kai Salama, who played in ATH faves Black Lizard. The Finnish project relied upon California vibes to craft this song, which you’ll immediately see upon the visuals, but you’ll likely hear in the traditional psychedelia coming through your speakers. It’s as about as true to the original style as it comes, but in that, it feels refreshing, as the genre’s been completely bastardized. There’s also some musical notes run through the talk box that continue to show Salama working through their own process in songwriting. And, its an added bonus because its being released today by our friends at Soliti! Buen proveche!

Juppe Releases Andy I Have Your Lighter

Having just released his debut album this past September, Juppe is wasting no time, turning around and dropping a fresh new single via Soliti. Originally written for a skate video, the song locks you in immediately with this seductive groove that feels like kicking and pushing on the asphalt, hair blowing in the breeze. It was that natural joyfulness that grabbed me, and then the vocals offer up this softened curl that really draws you into the track; I think you’ll also hear some similarities to some of the British pop rock that was breaking big in the late 00s (2000s not 1900s). Give it a listen, and if you dig it, we advise you to go back and check on Feeling Bad About Feeling Sad…, available from our favorite Finnish friends, Soliti.

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