New Jam from Surf City

surfcityFive years ago when we were just young bucks starting out on our site, we threw a small SXSW party at the now defunct ghost room.  One of the acts we were really excited to bring in was Surf City, and I’ve closely followed the group since those early days.  Through three albums, they’ve polished up their sound a little bit, bringing the excessive noise down a bit, choosing to replace it with more direct melodies.  They’ll have a new album coming out titled We Knew It Was Not Going to Be Like This, which comes out August 19th via Fire Records.  Should definitely be a good record to wrap up the summer.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Tunes from Matthew Sawyer & the Ghosts

It’s really been a slow summer, and a lot of big singles haven’t really crept out, so as I was clamoring for good tunes, I came across Mathew Sawyer & the Ghosts (via Catbird).  Ever since I came across this tune, I can’t stop playing it.  Using cello atop lightly strummed guitar while Sawyer’s vocals quiver a bit gets me every single time.  This track comes from his new album How Snakes Eat, which is out now on Fire Records.  Hope you enjoy.


Download: Mathew Sawyer – Mynah Bird’s Call

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