Florist Release Sci-fi Silence Video

This new Florist record is really shaping up to be something quite special, and this single below might be one of the most striking track on the LP. Still, like the title of the song suggests, this track is all about letting that silence operate in between the careful guitar work and Emily Sprague’s voice. Little delicate tinkerings rise and fall in the midst of the tune, tying into the thematic origin, where Sprague talks about “mystical forces that attract us to one another and the spaces in-between words that can hold profound communications.” I love the way the arrangement builds around the 4 minute mark, cementing this track as an absolute classic. Florist is out on July 29th via Double Double Whammy.

Last Week’s Jams, Today (5.2 – 5.6)

So much good music last week, and so much to cover. Well, we tried to get up as much as we could, plus Brian got some great photos of Good Morning and Packs. Here’s our weekly musical recap, with lots of awesome news, like new releases from Tan Cologne, Field Guides…and Voxtrot! I think the news of their Early Music compilation definitely made my week, even as I was held hostage in my classroom by state testing. Enjoy some jams from last week.

Florist Release Spring in Hours Video

Today seems the perfect day for sedate, contemplative music. Florist seems to always craft just such tunes, and their new single is certainly no different. Emily’s vocals throughout have that sort of mesmerizing charm, the sort of voice you wish you had as you sing your child to sleep. As a band, the accents surrounding Sprague’s voice are the perfect accent; the drums keep a steady march for the track, with the little bits of picked guitar strings faintly audible in the mix. There’s also this great musical swell in the song’s middle that sets us all up for a nice little mental meandering. They release their self-titled Florist LP on July 9th via Double Double Whammy.

Last Week’s Jams, Today (4.4 – 4.8)

Here we are folks, another Monday. We’re starting off the week, as we always do, looking back at last week’s hits, just in case our five followers missed a song or two. We’ve got new indie pop stuff from Red Sleeping Beauty and Jeanines, plus new tunes from long-time ATH faves, Stephen’s Shore. Then there’s a new Chronophage album on the way, so we’ve got that covered here too. It’s a quick little way to breeze into your week here, starting things off nice and light. Enjoy!

Florist Announce Self-Title LP

I’ve been a fan of Emily Sprague’s Florist project for sometime, though admittedly, I’ve gravitated towards certain tracks more than others. But, today, the project announces a new self-titled LP, and with it comes this meditative single that’s got me all up in the feelings. It circles around this ornate little guitar picking and Sprague’s vocals, with little rumblings rising to the surface from time to time; it’s like listening to your favorite record just to hear the crackles through your speakers. I just imagine this tune playing on the car stereo as we cruise down a stretch of empty highway in the Fall, dreamily gazing out the window as the colors swirl into this blur of emotion. The self-titled LP will be out on July 29th via Double Double Whammy.

Florist Continue to Impress

Nowadays, I always look for consistency, both in singles and in albums. From the sound of it, Florist continue their great run of singles from their new album, If Blue Could Be Happiness. This song takes on a drifting folk feel, with the instrumentation carried lightly behind the vocals; it’s almost like you’re just carefully floating along in the clouds while Florist serenade you. The wee bit of strings adds a solemnity to the tune, only furthering the emotional pull. Double Double Whammy drop the album for you on September 29th.

Loving This New Florist

I’m looking into my crystal ball for Yea End Lists…I think there will be a spot in there for Florist. Their latest single is pretty stunning, calming in every way. Emily’s voice is just perfect, sitting in the front of the mix, relaxed in the best possible way; she seems perfectly comfortable taking ownership of this track. Meanwhile, the rest of the band flesh out the tune with the subtle sublime, adding atmospheric notes that twinkle in the distance. If Blue Could Be Happiness will be released on September 29th via Double Double Whammy…you won’t want to miss this album, I promise you that.

End Today with This Florist Tune

Been sort of a slow day around these parts, but wanted to wrap it up with this great new Florist tune. The band won me over with last year’s The Birds Outside Sang, and it didn’t take long to pen another lovely track (or album). I love the calming nature of this tune; it’s a subtle charmer, mostly working around the vocals and a light strum. There are some extra bits adding texture to the track from the distance, elevating the song’s quality. They’ll release If Blue Could Be Happiness on September 29th via Double Double Whammy, with a lengthy tour through September/October.

Top 50 Albums of 2016

top50You’ve all been waiting, anxiously. Waiting for our arbitrary list of the opinion of four folks who run this site, and what we think were the best albums of 2016. It’s really really important. We’re going to make our site great again with this list. We’re going to win, bigly. But really, it’s just a list of the stuff we loved the most that we covered throughout this year on our site. The comment section is open, so feel free to tell us where we’ve gone wrong or what we’ve got right or anything else fitting. Read more

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