Show Preview: Natalie Prass + Promised Land Sound @ Stubbs (Tonight)

natalieThere’s tons of happenings this week, but I feel like this one deserves more publicity than it’s getting at the moment. Surely that has to do with the fact that it’s the show following the huge crowd expected for Mac Demarco outdoors. Still, you’re going to want to check out Natalie Prass; she’s worked with a lot of incredible musicians and her soulful voice is worth the price of entry alone…just listen to the track at the bottom. But, to top off the evening, she’ll be joined by Promised Land Sound, who we’ve covered pretty extensively building up to their recent release, For Use and Delight. It’s a night full of really great voices…I think you’ll be best served by being on hand. Tickets are $14 and doors open at 9:30 PM .

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Promised Land Sound Give Us A New One

988605_388342504603069_2075855350_nWe’ve given some love to Promised Land Sound in the past so you shouldn’t be surprised to see their name mentioned here again.  Today they have this great new track “Otherworldly Pleasures” for your listening pleasure.  It’s a little bit psychedelic with dashes of Americana and maybe even just a hint of folk stylings for good measure.

You can pick up new album For Use and Delight on October 2nd via Paradise of Bachelors.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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