Adios Ghost Take Us in a New Direction

75159_540445102636607_944786907_nBack in January, I helped introduce you guys to rising Brooklyn band Adios Ghost and their brand of quirky pop music.  Well today the band are bringing us their latest single called “Splitting Glass”.  It has much more of an electronic feel to it than what we heard back in the winter.  I dig the blend of their original folky pop sound with the interesting synth noises going on in the background.  All in all, a great track that really peaks around the 4:00 minute mark in an incredible rising action.  Stay tuned as we hear more from these guys.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Even More New Music From Night Panther

nightpantherI’ve been following Night Panther for the last year or so, rather enjoyed their sets during SXSW, and have kept in touch with the band ever since.  So as I promised to keep you folks tuned in to news from the band, I’m happy to let you know that the band have finally released their stunning debut self-titled LP recently and it can be purchased on iTunes right now.  In celebration of the new release, the band are releasing a brand new single from the album entitled “Delta” via 7″ vinyl (pre-order here).  We of course have that new tune streaming for you below and I think you’ll rather enjoy it.  I doubt that I’ve heard such a catchy synth pop laden tune in quite some time.  Can’t stop listening.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Hazy Pop From Suburban Living


Suburban Living is a band that I’ve always been into since discovering their fun haze pop sound last summer.  It’s a sort of pop music that’s bright and sunny with some major twee hints throughout.  This new song “Always Eyes” definitely falls into that vein and helps build my fandom of the band.

This one appears on a new 7″ from the group due out April 16th on Dialog Records.


Download: Suburban Living – Always Eyes [MP3]

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