Austin Spotlight: Hundred Visions

1904201_852240114800323_1497954134438975919_nPunk rock with a pop twist is on a major rise here in Austin and Hundred Visions is a band leading the charge.  Today we’re happy to share with you this new track from the group called “You’re Gonna Cut Me Loose”.  My prior description fits here as the band bring a loud and proud punk rock themed tune completed by some pop tendencies and chant along lyrics.  Keep it up boys.

Pick up new album, Spite, due out October 28th via Pau Wau Records.


Download: Hundred Visions – You’re Gonna Cut Me Loose [MP3]

Austin Spotlight: Small Circles

10516600_577338272388271_5118767778977189528_nHere’s a fun little diddy from Austin based band Small Circles.  The track is called “Maybe in the Long Run” and features a catchy vocal delivery with a pop/rock vibe sound.  Though I knew nothing about the band prior to today, I’m already digging this more than a lot of the popular music currently coming out of Austin.  Keep it up boys.

Small Circles have an EP coming out very soon.  Stay tuned here for updates.

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Incredible New Track From The Rentals

I06_the-rentals know that you may have seen this tune elsewhere last week, but when a song is as sweet as this one, I will post it despite my tardiness.  To keep this brief, The Rentals have always been a big favorite of mine and I’m super excited that they are returning this year with their much delayed 3rd LP.  This track called “Thought of Sound” is a preview of the new album and it’s proving that the wait for new music was well worth it.  Seriously, these guys have a distinct sound that is just like no other.  YES.

New album, Lost in Aplhaville, is due out August 26th on Polyvinyl Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

No Bummer Summer Playlist 2013

We’re officially in summer mode here at ATH, and though we realize not everyone has the summer months off like we teachers (sorry, photo guy), we also think everyone could use some summer music for your weekend getaways.  For that reason, we’ve thrown together a “No Bummer Summer” playlist to help you make it through these long, hot summer days.  Enjoy it as you sit by the pool, do some day drinking, or take the boat out on Travis.  

Follow the jump and press play to get random with ATH.

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Free Xmas Album from Banjo or Freakout

It seems that as the holidays approach, everyone is getting in on the action.  Not to be outdone, Banjo or Freakout is offering up not just any Xmas track, but an entire album of Xmas songs.  Now, be forewarned, this doesn’t sound anything like traditional Christmas fair, which is precisely why you should check this out, not to mention the fact that its FREE. And, if you haven’t gotten to know Alessio and his band by now, do so, as the work he showcases in his Xmas album is indicative of the great stuff he’s already putting together.  Here’s a sample of what you will get if you just go HERE.


Download: Banjo or Freakout – Frosty the Snowman [MP3]

Free Tunes from Mars Field

Mars Field is an old Irish group who never seem to have reached a lot of acclaim over in the United States, which is kind of a bummer.  Their sound is sort of that melodramatic slow-core that we adored in the late 90s.  It’s heartfelt, sometimes tragic, but always beautiful.  The good news is that you can now get all three of the band’s albums: The Blue Buildings are Burning, Upwards Like a Well and Talking Makes Things Worse.  You’ll want to do this immediately, as they’re all FREE!  Just visit the band HERE.


Download: Mars Field – Michael [MP3]

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