Last Week’s Jams (8.5 – 8.9)

Another week, and another weird day where I posted more than one person should, but alas, there has been a lot of really great music of late. So, below you’ve got our weekly playlist, sort of summing up where we ended last week, before we head into this new one. We had a really great Rock n’ Recipe interview with former ATX band Blood, plus some more local love for Letting Up Despite Great Faults. Covered some great new music from Naked Roommate, Wut and Lunar Vacation, then ended the week with one of my favorite acts, Constant Follower. There’s tons of music in between too, and we’ll be back again with more following these messages.

Classic Psych Rock from Fudosa

When the whole psychedelic era had a modern revisiting, it was definitely cool, getting steeped in smoke-filled rooms while bands locked into their hedonistic grooves. But, it quickly jumped into cliche, as everyone was doing it. I’ve tuned out a lot of it, though New Mexico’s Fudosa have sparked my interest with this 7 minute slow burner. They don’t shy away from the groove, as the bass is locked in from the get-go, but it’s all the “devil-may-care” attitude that they embrace moving forward that has me holding tight. Guitar notes bend and break, knifing through the complexity crafted for exploration, while the vocals seem more like echoes through the rolling mountains of New Mexico. Check out the tune and then visit their latest LP, Transmutations.

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