Healing & Peace Release New EP

I get sent tons of music, and I honestly give everything at least 30 seconds. Some stuff goes right in the delete pile, but then there’s something like Healing & Peace that just begs you to share with your friends. The band is comprised of players from Future Nuns and Kneeling in Piss, neither of which were on my radar, but now I also have that to look towards. For my meaningless two cents, the group reminds me of a folkier version of Television Personalities, with sprinkles of Comet Gain atop the mix to provide an added layer of cheer for nerds like me. I definitely felt awestruck when I turned on “New Utopian Futures;” the dual vocals easily win here. You’ll find a couple of punkier numbers in the mix too, like “Roman a Clef” or “Falling Down Laughing.” Stream the whole thing below!

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