Sample a Few More Juan de Fuca Tracks

First, don’t forget that Juan de Fuca is a band, not a man. Second, let’s rejoice in the band’s new record Solve/Resolve hitting shelves today. Having already compared the band to some strange mixture of the Walkmen and Fresh and Onlys, these two tracks further that sonic exploration. Our first tune today has a bit of a discordant drive to it, especially with the way the guitars open things up; it then quickly moves into that falling vocal effect. And maybe, just maybe, there’s a slight Jawbreaker nod in there too. On the latter tune, the New York vibe from the early 00s seems to be peaking out from behind the band; I promise you I don’t mind that at all. It’s clear the group will be swinging for the proverbial fences with this new LP; grab it today from Arrowhawk Records.

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