More From Givers

unnamed (18)I mentioned earlier this month how excited I was to hear about the return of Louisiana based pop group GIVERS. The band was always a fairly straightforward pop group with a bit of quirkiness thrown in for good measure. This new material though is showing great promise and maturity, especially with this new single “Bermuda”. It’s definitely heavier and more fleshed out than anything I’ve ever heard from the band in the past. Here’s to a bright future.

GIVERS albumNew Kingdomwill be available April 8th via Glassnote Records.

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GIVERS Return!

unnamed (14)Man it seems like it’s been years since we’ve heard any noise from Louisiana based pop band Givers. Just running a quick search here…. and yeah I last posted on the band way back in 2010. So you can probably imagine my excitement today when I received this new tune entitled “Growls” in my inbox. It seems as though the time away has allowed the band to really mature and flesh out their sound from their bright pop days of old. Now the band resemble more of a mixture of Dirty Projectors and older Yeasayer. Count me in for that.

New Kingdom will come out on April 8th via Glassnote Records.

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New Music From Royal Bangs

Knoxville based electro-pop band Royal Bangs have a new single called “Fireball” floating around the web.  The tune is set to appear on the new LP from the band Flux Outside due out March 29th on Glassnote Records.  It’s a bit of a spastic number, but I am digging it none the less.  It’s a good time for a new song from Royal Bangs as they are also playing tons of show this week.  You can catch a full list of where they’ll be on their myspace page.


Download: Royal Bangs – Fireball [MP3]

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