Really Enjoying This New Walter TV Tune

I didn’t want to like this; I have some weird grudge against the constant Mac DeMarco hype, and members of Walter TV play with said artist. That being said, this tune grabbed me almost immediately, pushing forward with this rolling groove that almost indicated a surf rock jam was coming. But, instead, they take that energy and give it some dreamy vocals to dance atop the mix. It’s hooks grab you quick, which is great, as the song barely lasts beyond the 2 minute mark. Fan of swelling pop? Look for Carpe Diem on August 4th via Sinderlyn.

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Bill Botting Announces Album

bbWhile I know we were all more-than-bummed when Allo Darlin’ called it quits, there’s promise in the future, especially knowing that Bill Botting (the AD bass player) has already announced a solo outing. Now, it’s not exactly what one would expect, with a little bit more of a folk influence, though he’s still employing the band’s tendency for great melodies. On this track, there’s a gentle female vocal accompaniment, perfectly accenting Bottle’s seeming Western drawl. Bill Botting & the Two Drink Minimums will release their album, Better Friends, on March 10th via Fika Recordings…an always reliable source of great music.

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New Music from Steve Adamyk Band

steveDammit if this isn’t the catchiest track that Steve Adamyk Band have written to date. I was caught with the guitar sounds from the get-go, but when the vocals blasted in I turned the speakers up…backing vocals are added in just the right places to maximize the tonal hook (including Colleen Green making an appearance). In a world where everyone’s excited about the revival of late emo sounds, I’d much rather turn to the classic sounds of great pop punk, which is where these guys look to be headed with their new effort Graceland. Look for the new effort on July 29th via Dirtnap Records.

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