Kissing Party Share Graceless Video

When I first turned on this new track from Kissing Party, there was something instantly gratifying in the rhythm section; the snappiness of it all reminded me of early Drums tracks, endearing and energetic. As the song progresses, the vocals enter nonchalantly, offering listeners a sort of pop version of what Blank Dogs were doing back a few thousand years ago. The song carries this lightness and indifference, seemingly tied into the concept of the song, so it all fits absolutely perfectly. Honestly, if you missed the OG Pains of Being Pure at Heart, this is the tune for you to turn all the way up. They’ve got their Graceless album dropping today, so go listen to that as well!

Wares Return with Graceless Video

I remember walking around my neighborhood with WaresSurvival on repeat; it was such an incredible listen, abrasive and gorgeous all at once, so it was a nice surprise to hear a new single slide into my inbox. Like that early album, the band carefully dance around bold drama via Cassia Hardy’s vocals, though there’s always this hint at danger lurking in the background…and it hits here just after the 2 minute mark. While that moment packs a big punch, it maybe still seems tinted with hope, tucking the pop sentimentality just beneath the surface. Hopefully this single means the band are back working on more new jams!

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