Grand Union Share Killing Forest Video

We’ve covered Grand Union in the past, though it’s been a few years since we’ve heard from the Norwegian group; today they’ve got a brand new single to share with the world…and it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for this morning. It’s this huge traditional power pop sound, fueled by dueling guitar parts and great melodic vocals that float on the top of the mix. Slight little mood changes in the chorus offer up just the slightest wrinkle, with the lyrical kind standing up defiantly against the killing frost; you even get a nice little guitar solo flare too, just so the band can flex their musical muscles. But, like all great pop songs, it gets out of its own way and closes in less than 3 minutes, leaving you refreshed, and perhaps, going back for more. Oh, and if you want another charmer, you should check the B-Side for this single HERE.

Classic Guitar Pop from Grand Union

Grand Union is going to be a new act you’ll want to keep an eye on, particularly if you’re of the guitar pop/power pop persuasion. It came to my attention by a post of Frode Stromstad, known to many as one of the principal songwriters in I Was a King. Somehow, somewhere, Frode made friends with like-minded individuals and formed this new band, recorded a few jams, and now it looks like we’ve got two great new 7″s coming our way. I think both songs we can sample at the moment are pretty spot on, so I’m not going to delve too far into specifics…just leave them here for you to enjoy. They both drop on October 26th.

Enjoy Arthur Beatrice

arthurFirst, let’s focus on the fact that Arthur Beatrice isn’t a man, but rather an act from the UK.  Then we can focus on the music, which oddly resembles the beautiful pop that I typically associate with the Dears.  Yes, the vocals might be the reason why I lean that way, with that female vocal backing the soft croon.  Still, the pacing and the function of the track do pay homage to the more expansive brand of indie rock.  The group have just completed their debut record, which should find a release in early 2014.  I’ll keep you posted as we draw near that date.

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