Parker Longbough Shares Burbank Safari

Parker Longbough is a band, not a person. In the end, that doesn’t matter much, as what matters is the quality of the band’s songwriting behind leader Matthew Witthoeft. While the style might leans towards lo-fi tendencies, the band don’t shy away from building their sound with this blessing production. It might be one of the more rocking tracks I remember from the group, with the guitars harkening to a slight Hammond Jr’ inflection; the softness in Witthoeft’s voice here does remind me faintly of Jens Lekman, which is never a bad comparison. Green and Gold/Drink the Hemlock, the band’s latest LP, will be out on November 22nd.

Parker Longbough Announces New LP

I imagine the remote nature of crafting music in Anchorage, Alaska has got to be tough, but that hasn’t stopped Matthew Witthoeft from penning great tune after tune for Parker Longbough. They’ve just announced Green and Gold/Drink the Hemlock, their new LP, and with it comes a doozy of a single. The deep tones of Witthoeft’s voice here have this Calvin Johnson lineage, which many a listener has noticed…but I’ve been gravitating towards this really soft pop inflection he’s inserted into this track. The first time it caught me was with the line “I wanted a friend,” and then reinforced with the clever “any millennial memes they could put on the Internet.” It’s these tiny little pop nuggets that I live for; they always make my world better…which is why I wish the band weren’t so far away, so I could connect with them in person. Alas, I’ll just have to wait for the album’s release on November 20th via Wilderhood Music.

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