New Music from Night Terrors of 1927

1370I always wondered what happened to Blake Sennett after Rilo Kiley disbanded and his group, the Elected, had gone quiet.  It appears he’s been working with a friend under the moniker of Night Terrors of 1927.  Yes, it’s a bit much to say, but I’m digging the music that they’re creating. It features this folk-influenced grand ballad approach, though they are trying to diversify by offering some electronic beats in the background during the chorus.  I think the song would survive without that touch, but the soft spot in my heart for Joey the Rat allows me to look the other way.  See what you think as the band ready the release of the Guilty Pleas EP on November 5th.


Download: Night Terrors of 1927 – Young and Vicious [MP3]

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