The Berries Announce LP on Run For Cover

This is not a Barrie offshoot; this the Berries, the project of Matt Berry, formerly of Happy Diving/Big Bite. Today there’s news of a fresh LP in the pipeline of Run for Cover, and with Rob Schnapf mixing, you know the songs are already pretty solid. This first single feels like a classic nod to 90s alternative/college rock, when we were still allowed to be hopeful and dreamy of the beauty life held…rather than be brow beaten by a plague, demagogues, inflation, etc. Maybe that’s the point Matt’s getting to in his storytelling, reminding us that we don’t have to reinvent the wheel to find the reason we’re all here. If you’re digging it, High Flying Man is out on August 19th.

Banger From Happy Diving

unnamed (3)As many of us are likely struggling to get moving today after too much fun yesterday, this new single from San Francisco’s Happy Diving might be the perfect hangover cure. Yeah “Holy Ground” may start off as a sort of slacker rock tune, but hold tight, the true wall of guitars comes in pretty quick. The meandering feel, with that slow build into awesomeness is sure to perk up your Tuesday. It’s done it for me.

Electric Soul Unity will drop on August 19th via Topshelf Records.

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Happy Diving Is Blowing Up

happyIt’s been a bit since we first wrote about Happy Diving, who back then were part of our friend’s stable over at Father Daughter Records.  But, the band have changed labels to Topshelf, though their sound is much the same, if not a touch louder.  They’ll still leave your ears pleasantly ringing with their distorted guitars swelling in the front of the mix, compacted by knifing guitar pieces that cut through that wall of noise.  Vocals hang in the background of the mix, calm and collected while the world seems to be crashing around the rest of the track.  Look for their So Bunted EP to come out on July 17th.

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New Tune from Happy Diving

happygilmoreWe’re drawing nearer to the release of the new album from Happy Diving, and their new single is really keeping me going today.  It’s got an old school feel to it, in regards to guitar pop, which reminds me of a more rocking blend of what Austin’s the Impossibles were trying to do in their later days.  Sure, there’s an ode to Weezer in that and  an innocence in the lyrical content, but wait until the song’s screeching guitars feedback into your ears, crashing down through your speakers; it’s a special bit for your listening pleasure today.  Big World is released on October 21st via Father Daughter Records.


Download: Happy Diving – Sad Planet [MP3]


Fuzzy Rocker from Happy Diving

bigworldWhile we’re all getting our guitar rock on, we tend to forget that the style’s always sort of been there, just waiting for us to get our jam back on.  I feel like the dude’s in Happy Diving were probably always into it, always hoping their friends would hear their songs and get tossed back into the golden age of guitar jams.  Their latest single is full of solos and feedback, yet still it’s all about turning your amps up and having a blast with your friends.  This track will be featured on the band’s new album, Big World, which will be released by Father Daughter Records on October 21st.

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SXSW 2014 Interview: Happy Diving

happySanFrancisco’s Happy Diving dwell in the realms of catchy guitar pop.  At times it’s completely noisy, but other times it’s filled with well crafted melodies that allow for maximum emotional involvment from listeners.  Their s/t EP for Father Daughter Records was a short blast of fun, and I expect their shows during SXSW to be filled with that same sense of revelry.  We caught up with Matt Berry from the group to grab a quick interview. Read more

Happy Diving to Release EP with Father/Daughter Records

happyIt’s clear that over the last couple of years, gutiar music has returned, though I suppose it never went away completely.  Happy Diving are the latest act to come our way, offering up a heavy dose of guitars, while still having these hidden moments of pop sensibility lurking in the sound of the vocals.  Just imagine a loud swell of hooks and noise combining into an effortless wave meant to destroy your ears and you’ll get the picture being pushed out by these East Bay Boys.  They’ll be releasing their self-titled EP digitally via Father Daughter Records next week, with a cassette version to follow later in February.

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