New Hit from Hierophants

The whole genre of post-punk can get a little stale at times, so it’s great that we have a band like Australia’s Hierophants to really turn things upside down. We haven’t heard much since 2015’s Parallax Error, but now there’s a new LP on the horizon. This one actually seems more like something you’d get from a chilled pop group, almost as if Hot Chip were really cool all over again; there’s this happy bounce, almost like a slinky club hit that really drive the tune. The vocals are delivered in this very casual matter-of-fact manner, allowing the slightest emphasis on various syllables. It’s also a study of patience, as the group don’t really hang reveal a massive hook; they’re not trying to be catchy, they just want to deliver a tune you’ll come back to again and again, letting it reveal its secrets over time. Spitting Out Moonlight drops May 24th via Anti Fade Records.

The ATH Top 50 Albums of 2015

Albums ListYear-end lists are everywhere…and I can see why they’re important to people. But, seeing as we generally walk off the beaten path more often than not, our list of the Top 50 Albums of 2015 is in no particular order, save alphabetically. It seems pointless to rank one piece of art higher than another, especially when the four of us at ATH all have varying tastes. We just put this list together of the albums we loved the most this year. Are we saying they’re better than records by Grimes or Kendrick Lamar? No, we’re just saying that these are the records we loved more than others. So, you can read on for what we thought was hot.

Also…put links to individual stores where you can buy the albums from the bands…as that’s how we all survive in this music world.
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Spastic Rock from Hierophants

11406892_873158592739142_6444236918764143221_nI don’t really no too much about Hierophants, other than they’re based in Australia and on Goner Records.  Both things are pretty much a guarantee of my own personal enjoyment but I want you to be the judge on your own.  The song opens up in a stutter of garage rock, but it doesn’t stay there for too long, instead blasting off into a spastic land where few bands dare to go.  The end of the track is something all together different from the opening moments, closing in this oddball bounce then moving to a crunchy outro; it all makes for a listen that you don’t get every day, which is well enough in my book. Parallax Error, the album, will be out in September.

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